Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Daily Builds

Corona Curvature Map playground!

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--- Quote from: romullus on 2022-01-27, 14:47:01 ---I'm very happy to finally get Corona curvature! Few small notes from initial testing:

* default max distance of 100 units is way too much, i think 1 unit would be more sensible default.
* distance should be mapable, like it is in CoronaAO.
* someone already mentioned issue, where convex colour can't be darker than base colour.
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Thanks, I have logged these and will discuss them with the devs.

(Report ID=CRMAX-1253)
(Report ID=CRMAX-1254)


--- Quote from: marchik on 2022-01-27, 20:18:49 ---
I'll duplicate it here again, please add an option to ignore the bump :D

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I have logged this too. Will discuss with the devs.

(Report ID=CRMAX-1255)

Some tests. Basic metal with falloff vs metal with curvature. I think the latter looks better, but also is slower to render.

Bug report: artefacts appear on thin wall mesh, when curvature's max distance is larger than wall thickness.


--- Quote from: romullus on 2022-01-29, 20:04:26 ---Bug report: artefacts appear on thin wall mesh, when curvature's max distance is larger than wall thickness.

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Nice catch, reporting it.

(Report ID=CRMAX-1260)


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