Author Topic: A farewell to MANTIS bug reporting  (Read 4809 times)

2018-11-25, 16:56:24


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Hello all!

We want to inform you about changes to the bug reporting process here at Render Legion.

Way back in the mists of time when Corona Renderer was first launched, we opted to use Mantis as the method for you to report bugs to us, and for us to use to track progress on resolving those issues. It has served us well, but it was complex for you, our users, to have to use a full bug tracking system just to REPORT the bugs to us (as many features in Mantis existed to help us track things).

Recently, we have moved to a more streamlined internal tracking system, which improves our ability and speed in tracking, managing and fixing bugs. As a result, it also means that you don't have to use something complicated like Mantis to report to us, and it means you will have better communication and response times on the forum and on the helpdesk.

Here's what you need to know:

- Unresolved tickets on Mantis will still be worked on and resolved (in other words - Do Not Panic!)

- No new tickets will be created on Mantis

- To report bugs to us, please use:
  - The helpdesk ticketing system at OR
  - The forum board related to the version of Corona that you use:
      3ds Max / Corona Core :
      Cinema 4D:

- Once again, that's an "OR" - use the helpdesk ticketing system, OR report on the forums, not both please (which will actually only slow things down, both in terms of us being able to fix the issue, and in being able to respond to you promptly)

For more information on bug reporting, including how to make your report as useful as possible for us so that we can resolve it faster, please see:
For 3ds Max:

For Cinema 4D:
Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us