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Two sents from me

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William Yan:
Today I recieve the activation letter from you guys! Thanks!
And I take ten min to play a little bit on corona for su.
Here is the thing, maybe not well organized.

1. "to Max" seems not right here :)
2. Denoiser must have!
3. DR must have!
4. material overide option is useful. We need it.

William Yan:
 bug: chinese and asian language is not compatible.  chinese file location no support! Also  when I chose   " C:\1"  folder, it shows " n:\1" .  And I can't input any right letter in Render OUtput location. why?
And if I leave these wrong letter in the output path and hit render and hit stop and this "WTF" shows up and sketchup crash 100%.

William Yan:
About the material editor. see pic I attached.

1 and 4   :   The thumbnail should store in cache, not rerender every time switch the selection.
2     Slider really not good, when sliding corona response very slow.  I think number input is ok.
3     also load texture and clear texture is lag, feel not good.

William Yan:
ANd Stamp is not working.


--- Quote from: ayan13 on 2016-06-26, 15:37:19 ---1. "to Max" seems not right here :)

--- End quote ---

This will go off eventually, but it is not a priority right now.

--- Quote from: ayan13 on 2016-06-26, 15:37:19 ---2. Denoiser must have!

--- End quote ---

This should be pretty easy as long as it's just a denoise on/off checkbox in the render settings (+ some parameters for the denoiser).

--- Quote from: ayan13 on 2016-06-26, 15:37:19 ---3. DR must have!

--- End quote ---

I'm afraid that this is not going to happen anytime soon. There are more basic features that still need to get implemented before we can even think about implementing a DR solution.

--- Quote from: ayan13 on 2016-06-26, 15:37:19 ---4. material overide option is useful. We need it.

--- End quote ---

I agree, this is already on my TODO list.

Please fill bug reports/feature requests for the others: (has separate login from the forum, so you may need to create a new account there)


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