Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] Bug Reporting

Chaos Corona 12 RC1 - problem with opening older files

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hello guys,
I just tested the release candidate 1 for Corona 12. Unfortunately, I have the same problem with opening older files. They just don't open, or rather I don't have the time or patience to wait.

What works again now is the synchronization of the current camera and the VFB without having to open Cinema's image manager first, it's enough to open the VFB directly. That didn't work in Corona 11 hotfix 2.

What's nice is that you can now link the VFB in the Cinema layout.
I hope the problem with opening older files will be solved soon.


What about the Bloom and Glare that sometimes is turning off it self? it has been solved? it drive me crazy....:(

Did you try the steps mentioned in ? Let us know if the issue persists after that.


--- Quote from: masterzone on 2024-06-19, 10:23:02 ---What about the Bloom and Glare that sometimes is turning off it self? it has been solved? it drive me crazy....:(

--- End quote ---

Best not to ask questions in threads that are totally unrelated to your question :) This one is all about slow opening of existing scenes, you'd need to post your completely separate question to a new thread, or under the general daily builds discussion thread where any and all issues can be posted. Thanks!

Hello Tom,

unfortunately the tip from the other thread doesn't work for me. The files don't open within an acceptable range. After a few minutes I closed Cinema. What I noticed was that although I was able to close the program without it crashing, it was still shown as open in the Takmanager for ages. To restart it I was forced to close the program in the Takmanager every time.

I'm on Windows 11 and have been using Cinema 2024.4.1 since today, yesterday I tested it on 2024.4.0.

I also tried it without my self-created database in the asset browser on the clean installation of Cinema 2024.4.1. There was no difference.



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