Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Feature Requests

Noise level based on inclu/exclude list


Hi there,

I would use a "better" noise level calculation to set in animation works :
If we could include / exclude some objets from the global noise level calculation, this would help to set a better noise-based limit.

Best example is a packshot using some ShadowCatcher white floor :
My object has a quite complex shader, and stays noisy for many passes, while the floor is not noisy after 5-6 passes. But the noise level seams to make some average for the entire picture, and gives a wrong noise level number.

Any chance it will be implemented ?

Aram Avetisyan:

The noise level is doing the correct thing - it is reporting the average "error" in the render. What if you mistakenly exclude an object which contributes significantly to the noise. How more accurate such noise level calculation is? Of course it is relative to the scene and it is a good practice to do test renders and get an estimate of noise levels that are good enough for the specific scene and shot.

For the shadowcatcher/plane cleaning up faster than the rest - adaptivity takes care of this, and if plane is relatively less noisy, more samples will be dedicated to the rest.
You can as well reduce the adaptivity recalculation to less passes than the default 5 - this will calculate the noise level more frequently, if it helps.

In such cases the pass limit is the better indicator of "cleanliness".
But you can achieve to some degree what you are reffering to by creating render regions - the noise level will be calculated for these parts specifically.

Hope this helps.


yes, this:

--- Quote from: Aram Avetisyan on 2024-04-16, 03:42:10 ---You can as well reduce the adaptivity recalculation to less passes than the default 5 - this will calculate the noise level more frequently, if it helps.

--- End quote ---

Do this everywhere and in every scene, especially doing animation. But even for stills it's better to use 1 here (it is a dinosaur default setting from old Corona times, it does more bad than good).

Additionally, activate the CInfo_SamplingFocus render element FYI to see adaptivity in action.

Good Luck

I might be wrong, but i suspect that the noise level is being evaluated from screen pixels and Corona does not have much clue how much specific object is contributing to the overall noise and thus can't exclude or include it in calculation.


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