Author Topic: CMasking - Rendering is not instant (or almost instant)  (Read 796 times)

2024-09-23, 08:47:03


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Hey there.

So basically, my problem is that I want to render a new CMasking Render Element. From my understanding, and knowledge of another software this process should happen in a very short amount of time. And also once all over the image, instead of being calculated pixel by pixel.

Inside of 3dsMax:
Hovering over the "render only masks" button, it also mentions that the process should almost be instant.

This documentation also underlines my understanding:

"Render Only Masks Option
When enabled, only the render elements which do not require shading are rendered (such as masks and normals). This option is useful, for example, if you do not need to render the full image, but you need some masking element. Since no shading is calculated, this option makes the rendering process almost instant, so you do not need to spend additional time on re-rendering the whole image."

However, whenever I hit interactive render (with Render only mask enabled) it takes just as long as the original beauty image. When I switch to the CMasking Render Element inside of the Interactive Rendering it shows me the current state of the mask. And there I can see how it shows up pixel by pixel (just like a normal image getting calculated with the passes).

My question would therefore be, what is causing this problem? How can it be solved?
I tried searching the Internet, the FAQ's, the documentation aswell as watching diffrent tutorials to this topic. I tried to play around with the amount of passes, but so far I didn't find a solution which is why I'm making this Forum-Post here.

I would be very grateful if someone could help me :)

2024-09-23, 09:16:30
Reply #1


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Do you render any other elements/passes that need any sort of shading/lighting, like diffuse or reflection pass?
FWIW, I never found the masking element to be instant. It's certainly faster than with shading, but definitely not instant.

2024-09-23, 11:58:28
Reply #2


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Do you render any other elements/passes that need any sort of shading/lighting, like diffuse or reflection pass?
FWIW, I never found the masking element to be instant. It's certainly faster than with shading, but definitely not instant.

No, I also tried to manually disable them in the Render Elements tab from the Render Settings. It doesn't change anything. And the checker from "Render only mask enabled" should already have taken them out, or atleast I think so.


2024-09-23, 13:13:22
Reply #3


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Can you share the scene so we can see the set up (can be done privately through ticket at ), or if not can you share screen grabs of the set up showing the render elements, and the image (beauty) so we can see what kind of scene you are working with? At the moment everything is a bit in the dark as we have no info at all on those kinds of things :) Thanks!
Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us

2024-09-27, 16:45:32
Reply #4


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I am not sure if I'm allowed to show the image beauty :/
It's an outdoor archviz project...

2024-09-27, 17:04:24
Reply #5


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It's never instant.  And you pretty much need to render the same amount of passes as the beauty render if you want those masks pixel perfect.  Rendering the same amount of passes as the beauty is much quicker when rendering only masks, but never instant.

2024-10-07, 16:28:45
Reply #6


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I see, alright. Pretty weird in my opinion but I guess it is what it is. Well, thanks for the help @all