Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D > [C4D] Bug Reporting

crash when switching rerndersetting and using IPR

<< < (2/2)


--- Quote from: masterzone on 2024-02-28, 15:58:09 ---
--- Quote from: burnin on 2024-02-28, 11:43:45 ---Works fine:
W10,  R2024.2; CRN Version • 12 (Daily Build Feb 14 2024) ///  RedShift removed!

--- End quote ---


I would like to remove RS from my Maxon One Too...I'm used it for some classroom training but the material editor is a total disaster. Annoying rendering engine...Corona is 100 steps forward....

--- End quote ---
Yup, new defaults broke me workflow, and w/o RS, cinema's using "Standard" again. Also, hate to waste time fine tuning render settings. 


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