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Topics - Alex_baker

Pages: [1]
[Max] Feature Requests / Interactive rendeting while baking
« on: 2023-03-24, 10:11:08 »
Hey! I have a lot of task about textures baking. And as you know it is difficult to bake materials with correct reflection, like you got in the render.
It will be a HUGE help and procces optimtzation if corona renderer wil have Intaractive rendering not only for regular rendering, bit for baking to.
example of struggling:
- I am baking metall material
- pressing bake button and waiting for the first result
- result has a bad reflections
- i stop baking process and change some light position and paramets
- pressing bake button and waiting for the next result
- and after that I have to repeat this a lot of time
As I wrote if will be very cool rendering on the fly in window and changing paramets, position for the light and differen objects, like we can do in interactive rendering now.

Pages: [1]