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Messages - masterzone

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Gallery / Peppa Pig official
« on: 2022-08-08, 12:09:41 »
Our company created for Merlin Entertainments the conversion of Peppa Pig 2D cartoon to 3D models for their Entertainment Parks...

Cinema4D + Corona Render (with Decals feature)

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: General Stability on OSX
« on: 2022-07-21, 17:42:05 »
thanks anyway...I'm filling the Chaos Form with scene...I tried also on another MacBook Pro i9 with 32GB of ram...same crash here...
Finger crossed

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: General Stability on OSX
« on: 2022-07-21, 17:14:56 »
Hello Bengamin, unfortunately I opened the scene and the first hit on "interactive rendering" crashed is the bug report...
If you need the scene let me know...I can't to put the link directly on the forum due to an NDA of the job...

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: General Stability on OSX
« on: 2022-07-21, 17:02:15 »
Dear Bengamin, thanks for your replay...ok I can give it a try...

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: General Stability on OSX
« on: 2022-07-21, 14:39:04 »
Sure Bengamin and thanks for your replay, I was opening a ticket but if you already done I stop to upload the scene on chaos support...
Here the TXT of the bug report...
Finger crossed

if you need the scene or further informations drop me a line...we are driving crazy after Corona 8 😰

[C4D] General Discussion / General Stability on OSX
« on: 2022-07-21, 12:39:36 »
Dear at Corona Render staff, I'm on Corona Render from release 5 and I love it for speed and stability...and quality.
We have two licenses on my CGI studio installed on two Macs (1 iMac i9 and 1 Mac book pro i7 with Cinema4D R25)
No issue until now...rearely crashes, but usually a great stability...

We got many crashes per day after installed Corona Render 8 and hot fix 1 too. During the starting rendering we got crashes every time. Happens on both Mac...and with all scene.

If I render the same files on a PC...nothing happen and the render starts without problem...
Any tip and tricks?

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Corona for Apple Silicon M1?
« on: 2022-07-21, 12:01:29 »
I'm looking for MacBook Pro M1 Pro Max....I love the portability and Corona is very fast on my actual Intel i7.
Any experience about this processor?

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Some Chaos Cosmos Assets
« on: 2022-07-14, 11:15:02 »
Sure here is:

Very annoying this kind of shader because can't be consolidated into the assets folder...very annoying...I think there are some others assets with this kind of strange shader...

[C4D] General Discussion / Some Chaos Cosmos Assets
« on: 2022-07-13, 17:30:54 »

Some Tree objects fro Cosmos has this kind of "strange" shader on leaves...take a look to the attached picture...
I would like to know how to "collect" the asset and unlink it from Cosmos...due to this internal shader the save project with assets doesn't works and all leaves become empty...very annoying...

With other assets all is fine by hit "save project with assets" and all will be converted on texture + Vrmesh....

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Loop Crash during Interacive
« on: 2022-05-23, 11:27:16 »
Hello, Corona user since the first release.
I'm experience for the first time a loop crash in this scene:

iMac latest OS with R25 with Corona 8 (tried on a MacBook Pro as well)

When I start the interactive rendering or simple view render corona crashes...If I restart Cinema4D...sometimes stop to crash but after some actions I got a crash anyway...
This scene come from an Old Corona Render (maybe 6) but I tried to clear all settings, component and converting material...nothing works...
Thanks, the Apple Dump file has been attached...

Yes, if a material has the same IOR for reflections and refractions using the physical material is a great way to achieve the results. But if you have a glass with some anti-reflections coating you need to adjust the reflections IOR separately...
I understand that the Physical material has the locked IOR for both channels but in the "real world" is not true this way because the "refractions IOR system" is not the same of the "reflections IOR system". The first one is a ray that pass through the surface and is physically correct, but the second one is a ray that hit the surfaces and the GLASS needs a second controller for the final results. As I wrote on my previously messages, how can I dimm a reflections into a car windshield? dimmed by an anti reflections coating treatment?

(BTW, a glass plate, being flat, really shouldn't show any bending of light due to refraction, which is why Thin is recommended for windows, car windshields, etc.)

ehm...IMHO is not the right way to achieve a glass. Thin shell is used for poly surface without internal volume mass. Glasses must be created with IOR and thin shell turned off otherwise you will render two separated flat surfaces...take a look to attached image.. (LEFT plate a standard Glass, on the RIGHT the Thin shell turned on)

Anyway no problem, now I understand that the Physical material has not way to dimm the IOR reflections...
Thanks for your time

Alex :)

Thanks for your tips, but by enabling the Thin Shell you will internally turn off the refractions IOR, so you will unable to create a real glass plate...

Sorry if I don't attached any image but the example is very easy to understand: How we can low the strength of the reflections on a glass if the IOR is a global parameter?
On a legacy materials the Reflection layer has separated IOR so I can adjust the strength of the visible reflections or by using the Reflections Color...

Now is impossible with physical material....

[C4D] General Discussion / Reflections in Physical material
« on: 2021-09-21, 18:07:36 »
Hello all, name's Alex
I using Corona since V4. Now I'm play with v7 Physical Material system, I've a question:
How can I dim the reflections on a GLASS Mat as previously materials?.
With previously GLASS Mat (legacy) when I turn the Refractions and reflections on I can dim the reflection layer by using the all has been "merged" on a unique IOR parameter.

E.g. I create a GLASS Box on a bathroom, and I see that the reflections are to with only one IOR is very hard...
Thanks for any tips!

Oh Don't worry, sure that I'm not happy of BigSur upgrade, I waited to install it but after all Im not happy...
Corona Render run smoothly anyway...I'm curious about Corona 7 Daily...If I have some free time I will try with it...

Anyway, Corona Render is the best piece of software and rendering engine ever...I work on CGI since 1999...

Dear Jan, thanks for the reply. This issue doesn't happen with VFB in front of C4D Guy, this issue is only for Picture Viewer that significantly slowdown the Main C4D GUI when still open.

About the second question, here you can see the activity monitor when Corona is running and when C4D rendering engine is running (I disabled the Internal C4D GI engine due to a it's technology that doesn't use all cores)

About pictures, I have a 8 cores ->800%

You can see your self that Cinema4D takes more processor than Corona but doesn't Lag the GUI. The problems seems to be the continuous ping to the picture viewer by Corona Render...that send the refreshed picture to the window...the issue doesn't happen if you close the picture viewer window or hide it into the Cinema4D main GUI (for example if you hang the Picture viewer behind the 3D viewport...

This behaviour doesn't happen with Catalina...only with BigSur :( All my systems has a clean BigSur Installations...I have two iMacs with Intel i9 10-cores and 32 GB of ram, the problem still there on these machine as well...All after BigSur :(

ps: the Cinema4D run with 8GB during rendering on a 16 GB of total no problem about the ram...

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