Author Topic: Corona 12 update 1 crashed 3dsmax  (Read 691 times)

2024-12-11, 13:59:15


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When in normal 3DS Max 2020 scene ,
 i open corona listener dailog box and than open chos scatter listener and now i save file
 3ds max error writing file error and 3dsmax 2020 is crashed
Its some thing ui conflict i think
Please suggest any solution
My drive had full space
Attach video please check

2024-12-17, 05:39:01
Reply #1


  • Corona Team
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Check all output paths, including those for render elements, are correctly set to existing directories. Misconfigured paths can lead to errors.

Check if the file paths and names contain only English characters, as non-English characters can cause input/output errors.

If saving files to a network drive, check that you have the necessary write permissions and that the network connection is stable.

Some of such errors are from known 3ds Max bugs that add non-existent paths to render elements. check your render elements and delete or correct any invalid output paths using the Asset Tracker (Shift+T).

If problem persists, feel free to start a ticket with us so we can help you.
Arpit Pandey |
3D Support Specialist - Corona | contact us