Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Daily Builds

Chaos Corona 12 for 3ds Max - Daily Builds Discussion

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Chaos Corona 12 for 3ds Max Daily Builds Discussion

You can grab the latest build from: Daily Builds Changelog

Something's wrong with colour picker in December 13 build, the swatches are not keeping their colour and overall are acting weird. Also there's that annoying half-checkered thing, but that issue started to happen few weeks earlier, not sure if it's Corona's fault or bug in 3ds Max 2024.2 update.

Thanks for the report! We are aware of both things and investigating.

Fun fact: the "transparency" part of the color swatch is expected in some cases. For example, if you create an Autodesk Physical Material and change its diffuse color - you will see that the Corona Color Picker allows setting alpha there. But it should not appear in all color swatches. The fix for this is usually collapsing and expanding the material editor rollout again. So it looks like a UI glitch.

The swatch glitch - (Internal ID=1262704903)
Corona Color Picker stuttering/jumping colors - (Internal ID=1268112830)

There is also picker always sampling black when using multiple monitors - (Internal ID=886677936)

Does anybody else experience crashes when using VFB history in Corona 11 and 12? Crashes happens without 3ds max error message and does not generate minidump. Could be scene specific, since it happened to me several times when working with certain scene.

I am not aware of this. What exactly do those crashes look like? Is it 3ds Max disappearing completely so that you don't even have time to capture a minidump?


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