Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] General Discussion
Looking for a cause of Interactive Rendering slowdown (+Poll)
Update: it's too early to tell, but we would really like to have this feature back in V6.
--- Quote from: maru on 2020-04-20, 09:44:53 ---Update: it's too early to tell, but we would really like to have this feature back in V6.
--- End quote ---
That would be great.
Thanks Maru.
Namik Pirkic:
Hi there :)
since this is the thread about IR, I might have something to add or to report. when in IR and if I wannt to change the color/temperature of certain lights, when I click on the color box/field the VFB starts to blink and following behavior is like this:
a) the VFB starts to blink for a few seconds (5-10 I think that the time of the blinking is related to the number of lights in the scene), and then the IR starts again;
b) the VFB starts blinking and afer the blinking is done, it resets VFB like it's window size was smaller than I've set it to be.
And yeah, I somehow find that the IR is kinda slow compared to the older Corona versions
I'm using Corona renderer 7 (with the latest hotfix), on Ryzen 5950x, 128GB of RAM memory and RTX 2060S.
Edit, it's all fine now in Corona 8 :)
I have 3 Monitors 2x 16:10 (1920x1200px) and one 4K (3840x2160). due to the bad handling of 3D Max with 4K Monitors i have to scale up the resolution to 150% in order to work properly.
That affects also the Corona IR. when im draging it from a 2K Monitor to a 4K Monitor it resize it and start all over again.
I would love to have a checkbox in the Framebuffer that said "Resolution Lock" and also i would love to have a checkbox that say "update: Geometry, light, material"
that would be awsome!
I just installed Corona 12 on my computer on 3d max 22 (previously using corona version 11), and I can't render anything. It closes the file and asks me to report an error. What could be the issue? Can someone help me?
Thank you.
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