Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Corona Goodies - User Contributions
Hey people! How are you doing?!
Well, here's a little contribution for the Corona community (and a way to say "thanks" for Ondra taking me on the dailies ;) ). The script ISN'T finished by any means! Actually it has some flaws (which I'm trying to address as fast as my pre-school Maxscript skills allow me) but it's pretty useful as of now (version 0.2a) and can speed up the process of mass manipulating materials.
The idea was planted by Marcelo Souza (wooorld faaaaame :P) and made possible because much better scripters than me helped a lot along the way. Hope you guys find it useful on your daily work!
Neat! Looks really handy.
Thanks Davius
Hey People! Know what? Just updated Slate Connector! Now it's better on material selection and node instancing (also some bugs were squashed). Actually, since Corona changed some of its code getting ready to release, it's quite possible that version 0.2 will not work correctly, so I highly recommend downloading the new version (0.59) if you intend to keep using it.
Ah, and it's free, of course ;)
To download it just follow the youtube link, it's on the description! Cheers!
Thanks Davius.
Very cool script.
johan belmans:
well done, great support team behind you!
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