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Corona to GLB

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Hey James,

Thanks for the explanations 👍🏻

James, once again thank you - super helpful. I have a request - I wonder if you'd consider implementing some kind of user-friendly sandbox either within the script or as a button after everything's exported to 1-button test the object inside a Babylon.js sandbox? This might help with quicker verification that everything has worked correctly with the materials and exports etc.

As an aside, I'm finding that I'm unable to test local babylon viewers and I'm forced to first throw it all onto my webhosting for testing - do you have the same or is there something I'm doing wrong?


James Vella:
No worries Tom.

alexyork, the "Export GLB File(s)" button exports your glb to your directory of choice, from there you drag/drop it into the babylon page. You shouldnt need to do any uploading to webhosting etc, I often test my exports by doing the exact same thing (as per my youtube video).

Drag and drop your .glb file here (anywhere on the page):

You can also test it locally by double clicking on the glb file and opening it in Windows 3D Viewer


--- Quote from: James Vella on 2024-09-11, 11:20:51 ---No worries Tom.

alexyork, the "Export GLB File(s)" button exports your glb to your directory of choice, from there you drag/drop it into the babylon page. You shouldnt need to do any uploading to webhosting etc, I often test my exports by doing the exact same thing (as per my youtube video).

Drag and drop your .glb file here (anywhere on the page):

You can also test it locally by double clicking on the glb file and opening it in Windows 3D Viewer

--- End quote ---

Thanks so much! Somehow I'd missed that you can view these directly offline in Windows 3D Viewer - handy! I've been throwing them in their sandbox but that's their own template which is nice, but for my needs I'm trying to set up a very basic template with a simple white background, which I'm defining through HTML, and loading my model into that. It works as I mentioned but only when running off the webhosting, not locally, which is odd, but I guess a limitation of how the babylon.js works.

I don't suppose you know of any resources online for some basic templates for the viewer we can download and tweak?

Thanks again for the pointers!

James Vella:

--- Quote from: alexyork on 2024-09-11, 11:35:47 ---for my needs I'm trying to set up a very basic template with a simple white background

--- End quote ---

This one by google has a white background (same thing, drag/drop)

--- Quote from: alexyork on 2024-09-11, 11:35:47 ---I don't suppose you know of any resources online for some basic templates for the viewer we can download and tweak?

--- End quote ---

Not that I know of, I use babylon, the google one and Windows 3D viewer. Between all 3 it gets the job done.

Babylon sandbox has the most amount of tools for checking technical aspects, you can also switch the background to a more grey style (bottom right corner).


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