Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Corona Goodies - User Contributions
What category name should Corona scripts use?
Hey Guys,
the best should be use of "Corona Renderer", as we are also planning to introduce our official scripts and we would like to put them in same category.
It would be nice if we can all use Corona Renderer and be on same side of the river.
Is that okay with you?
Hmm, no comments, so I guess it's decided then. 8-)
Makes sense to me.
My vote is for anything except a name that starts with a number. When people do that and you go to change you interface, their script category is above 'All Commands' which should always be at the top. Annoying sandwiches.
I don't remember what category was before but now in Corona 1.00.01 there is "corona" category (yes, in lowercase).
So... I suppose you will fix that later?
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