Chaos Corona for 3ds Max > [Max] Corona Goodies - User Contributions
Corona A6: Save all VFB channels
Since I hate saving each channel (Beauty + render elements) one by one I made a little script that does it all in one go. I know it will be implemented in the Framebuffer sooner or later but anyways. Each renderelement saved by hand is one too much :-D
How to use:
Just run the Script and a standard image file saving dialog will appear where you can choose a path + filename and adjust image format settings. Be aware though that all gamma settings (only possible up to max2013 anyways) will be ignored, these are handled by the Script.
Should be working with all file formats.
I've tested the script in 2012 and 2014. Since 2014+ is handling gamma automatically I've added a "legacy" mode for 2013 and below, please test it if all passes are correctly saved with different settings.
If you want to use the Script as a macroscript just remove the "--" of the first two lines.
Works with daily builds / A6 only (after 1st of March 2014)
- changed the file dialog to a standard bitmap save dialog where image format settings can be adjusted
- Alpha issue has been fixed
- gamma issues in max versions prior 2014 have been fixed
haha. You cannot imagine how many times I was writing Ondrej to put that button into frame buffer and it was always shifted for later . Thanks for this great script!
And I was annoying him all the time with my request for maxscript vfb methods so I could do it myself :D
Wow thanks DeadClown, that was one of the things I really missed in coronas VFB. Good job
great !!
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