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Topics - yolao

Pages: [1]

I have an alembic mesh, is a simulated cloth with triangles, that renders with perfectly smooth normals with corona 1.6, but when i convert all the sequence in to an animated proxy, the mesh is not smooth anymore, is very faceted.

So, is smooth normals not supported by corona proxies..., or do i have to check something else before export to proxy?



So i have a big interior scene with lots of polys, SSS, a single animated displacement, DOF and MB, with a 0.5 of denoissing, but with out hair and fur in any object.  I let the render working over night and at the next day i discover that the rendering gets slower and slower with each frame. A render frame that normally takes about 6 minutes it takes in that rendering sequence 10 minutes or more, so is a big difference.

I render the scene sequence with Path Tracing and UHD Cache in corona 1.6 Hot Fix 1.

Is this increasing of rendering time normal when rendering a sequence..., or is a corona issue?..


I wanted to convert a group of objects (alembic objects with animation) in to proxies, but doing that one by one takes a lot of time, is there a way to convert the whole group all at once with the animation?


[Max] I need help! / Convert simulated Hair&Fur to proxy?
« on: 2017-08-17, 04:36:18 »

I wanted to know how can i convert a geometry that has a simulated hair&fur sequence into a proxy?..., i tried to render a sequence with hair&fur some time ago and 3ds max crashes eventually, so i wanted to try with proxy.



So, after a long time i`m trying corona again (in another pc) and i`m loving it!. Is corona 1.6 for 3ds max 2017. I wanted to render a character with SSS, animated wrinkle displacement (through a sequence of maps) and a set of UDIM textures using a MultiTile map.

The character and it`s cloth sim were all done in maya and bring them into max with alembic.

I set a simple hair (just for test) with Hair&Fur modifier and bake a simulation with it`s native options. Anyways, i let the render to go over night but at the next day i discover that 3ds max crashes and that the render job just last about 80 frames (and i set it to 600).

I try this 3 times, and the last time with "render frame window" uncheck so it render the frames without open the frame buffer window and the result is the same, sometimes it went a bit shorter and it stops before 80 frames.

I verify and all is fine with the scene, i can render (and batch render) with out problem the frames where 3ds max crashes.

I try the same animation but instead of the Hair&Fur modifier i just use a medium/hi res geo for the hair and it renders all night with out problem.., which was more than 200 frames.

Anyways, what could be the issue?

I have a pc with 8 cores, 16GB of ram and windows 7 64 bit.

Best Regards

[Max] General Discussion / Spherical Lens in Corona?
« on: 2013-06-25, 15:12:42 »

So, i making an animated project and i want to render all the backgrounds in Corona and the Characters in Vray (because of the Fast Skin Shader). And i want to get out of corona an HDRI of the scenes to aid in the illumination stage of the characters in vray.

Is there a way to get a 360 panoramic HDRI of a corona scene with spherical/fish eye lens or something else?...


[Max] General Discussion / faking sss skin.., any advice?
« on: 2013-05-29, 16:19:09 »

So SSS Skin will be implemented later in the future, but in the meantime i will like to know if there is a way to fake sss skin with translucense with good looking results. Anyone have try it?..


[Max] Resolved Feature Requests / SSS Skin Shader
« on: 2013-04-09, 00:43:30 »

So i read on the forum that SSS will be implemented at some point, but what i will love to have implemented as well is a dedicated shader for skin with all the skin layers etc.

Thank you very much.

[Max] General Discussion / kickstarter..?
« on: 2012-11-06, 03:34:00 »

I just continuing testing for a bit more and i think the quality is great and the speed is REALLY AMAZING. Have you consider doing a kickstarter campaign?..., the software is fantasic and i`m sure you will have a lot of support.


[Max] General Discussion /
« on: 2012-11-05, 20:12:42 »

Congratulations for the render engine, i have just begin to try it out but it looks great and seems to be fast.

I was wondering how do you do instancing?..., i try with PFlow for populating a ground with a grass patch but i was reading that PFlow is not yet supported.


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