
Do you think Interactive Rendering is slower than it used to be?

32 (78%)
9 (22%)

Total Members Voted: 41

Voting closed: 2019-12-25, 19:34:47

Author Topic: Looking for a cause of Interactive Rendering slowdown (+Poll)  (Read 98813 times)

2024-07-26, 02:46:46
Reply #75


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I just installed Corona 12 on my computer on 3d max 22 (previously using corona version 11), and I can't render anything. It closes the file and asks me to report an error. What could be the issue? Can someone help me?

Thank you.

Sorry for the inconvenience. Please send in a ticket at https://support.chaos.com/requests/new (this is a very old thread, about another Corona version, and not specific to the issue you are reporting, so it could get missed without the ticket and we don't want that) - please include the same information as above, and if possible a screenshot of the message that asks you to report the error.
Tom Grimes | chaos-corona.com
Product Manager | contact us

2024-09-04, 19:48:33
Reply #76


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    • tiltpixel.com
I've noticed that upon rendering v12 (hotfix 1)  is loading textures to objects that are off (see attached).  Also if the object is deleted, if the material unused is in the material editor, corona considers that in scene.  That could certainly be a culprit.
« Last Edit: 2024-09-05, 17:21:35 by ramyhanna »