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Topics - masterzone

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Gallery / Animal Treasure Island Teaser
« on: 2025-02-11, 09:31:59 »
Finished latest project about Animal Treasure Island teaser. This animation was created for "Gardaland - Merlin Entertainment" park for the new themed ride.
I hope you like it :)

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Bloom and Glare off
« on: 2025-01-21, 16:34:54 »
I'm trying to continue to search the issue about bloom and glare auto turning off on final render (macOS Corona render release).
This issue is drive me crazy from previously release.

I tried to reproduce it and today I'm near the solution.

- if you start a scene from scratch and you turn on the Bloom and Glare on the VFB tone mapping area (without cinema4D + corona tag in the scene) and then I go to create a new corona camera, seems the Bloom and glare stay on forever.
Usually I don't make any change on VFB Tone mapping before create a camera, but I prefer to make a corona camera as first step...but in this way my B&G is deactivated every time I start the production render.
Very frustrating

what do you think?

Hello to all,

I tried to use the new Override Camera settings, I loaded a picture into the Direct Visibility slot with frontal projection. I thought that this settings are used for make an override per camera and its very doesn't works because I got the direct viability of the Camera ad the SKY as well.
I had to disable the direct visibility from the SKY settings otherwise the picture and the sky become mixed...

How does it supposed to works?

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Problem with Proxies and 2025
« on: 2024-10-28, 11:42:58 »
Hello to all, I noticed a problem with proxy objects and 2025 with Corona 12 HF2. Some alpha channel texture are not rendered properly as you can see into the picture below. (the flower to the left is converted to poly, other objects are proxy)

This issue happens only with Cinema4D 2025 and not with Cinema4D 2024...I tested on my studio.
I hope this help to investigate.

here is the file I tested on:

I recently installed Sequoia MacOS on my Mac and when I started the installer a Rosetta software is needed for proceed to the installation.
Maybe the time has come to discontinue the use of Rosetta, or to separate the installers...or tell to Chaos developers to compiling the chaos background apps with new SDK.
Just my two cents

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Cosmos Browser need a Quality control
« on: 2024-09-25, 11:29:09 »
For the second time the Cosmos need to be updated...ok, hit to update...prompted to insert my system password (MacOS) and nothing, the cosmos still updating...
The only thingI can do is to manually start the App on the desktop...otherwise the installation will be broken...

A total disaster...

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Cosmos app...a total disaster
« on: 2024-08-14, 10:27:02 »
After installing Corona 12, the Cosmos browser prompted me for an update. I downloaded it, started the installer, and then everything turned into a nightmare... for the third time.

I spent over an hour trying to figure out what went wrong, and eventually discovered a mounted DMG file (OSX) on my desktop. Strange—why was that there? After further investigation, I realized that the installer never actually launched after the download. It seems Cosmos stopped the background daemon but failed to proceed with the installation.

I had to manually open the installer, and once I did, the installation completed successfully. Now Cosmos is running smoothly.

How is it possible that a company like Chaos could create such a poorly functioning app like Cosmos? Unbelievable...


[C4D] General Discussion / cinema4D or Corona render?
« on: 2024-07-16, 11:40:00 »

It has been happening for a while now that every time I change the viewport window (F4, F2, etc.), all textures are refreshed in the perspective window. This action takes a very long time in some circumstances, and this issue is unbearable for me right now.

I think it is not related to Corona Render but is related to Cinema4D. Has anyone looked into it?

I have to hit "Materials Off" in the viewport menu of the perspective window every time to avoid this issue.


Finally, after some test, jobs and many hour spent on it, I found a reproducible issue with Bloom and Glare that turn off it self that drive me crazy on past year...I'm very happy!! 🎉🎉🎉. I'm a problem solving and bug hunter lover...😅

Here is my Corona Release (see attached about info panel below) and I'm using the Cinema4D 2024.4.0 (Educational License) (Build 2024_4_14d2cb99a70f_1236864028) OSX.

Seems the problem is related if you selecting and deselecting Camera or TAG. Based on some action you can see on the video below, the Bloom and Glare turn off it self during the final render even if it is on into the TAG.
Based on deselection of the camera object the Bloom and glare effect change its behavior by Turing off.
I hope this help.
This issue is not based on this specific scene, it works with all scenes as well.

Look directly on you tube for best watching...


[C4D] Bug Reporting / camera sync
« on: 2024-06-13, 11:06:08 »
Hello guys...I continue to get the "Camera was removed, controls for tone mapping, bloom and glare and sharpening won't be synchronized." message into the VFB.
This issue also deactivate the Bloom and glare, very annoying. Anyone else got this issue?

C4D latest build and Corona Render latest commercial build...

[C4D] Bug Reporting / HDR mirrored horizontally
« on: 2024-06-11, 08:53:21 »
I noticed that Corona Render put the HDR mirrored horizontally when I load it into the HDR/Shader slot on the Sky Object...
Why does it happen? every time I need to insert -100 on Uv Scale parameters...

Hello Guys, it would be great if the Camera clipping feature works with "film offset" parameter from Cinema4D camera. Unfortunately when the camera clipping is turned on the film offset won't be affected by this feature and the grass will be cut too early from the edges of the render frame :)


[C4D] I need help! / HDR vs Physical SKY
« on: 2024-05-16, 08:36:55 »
Hello Guys...Corona user since Corona 4...
I'm approaching to get some archiviz animations request from some clients, exteriors and interiors scene.
Often I'm using the Physical Sky for exteriors and some HDRIs for interiors render.

About Interior renders, what do you think is it the best way between HDR or Physical sky to avoid noise and long render times?
You know Corona Render is settings free and I would like to find some tricks to speedup render process.
Usually I don't touch anything from advanced settings so render times is not a problem right now, but during animations putting Flicker free GI get some times to render a single frames...setting the noise level is a good way but I don't know if there are some settings to put down...

Any tips?

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Background and Tone mapping
« on: 2024-05-06, 16:01:01 »
Hello to all, I found another annoying issue about ToneMap control shaders applied to a physical material to the background...
Below what happen with and without tone map control into the material...(without tone map you need to adjust camera exposure settings)

here the c4d scene:

Latest C4D and corona render

[EDIT] seems to be the "ACES" that give this strange square splotch on the background...if you disable it the problem is gone...

Hello to all, I noticed on my renders (latest release of corona) some strange squares on walls.
No overlapping polygons and nothing else on the scene.

If I turn off the "adaptive light solver" the squares goes away...
Any tips?


find the solution. Seems to be the TONE MAP CONTROL shaders into the Panoramic photo on outside of the apartment, if I toggle the shader all squares disappears...I think there is a sort of bug here.

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