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Messages - masterzone

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 14
[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Bloom and Glare off
« on: 2025-02-12, 17:54:56 »
Thanks I hope will be fixed in the future...
Anyway now with this turnaround It still turned on but only if you create a scene from zero, it doesn't works on scene where corona has been activated.

ps:remember that this issue is only on MacOS release, don't affects windows release...

Gallery / Animal Treasure Island Teaser
« on: 2025-02-11, 09:31:59 »
Finished latest project about Animal Treasure Island teaser. This animation was created for "Gardaland - Merlin Entertainment" park for the new themed ride.
I hope you like it :)

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Bloom and Glare off
« on: 2025-01-21, 16:34:54 »
I'm trying to continue to search the issue about bloom and glare auto turning off on final render (macOS Corona render release).
This issue is drive me crazy from previously release.

I tried to reproduce it and today I'm near the solution.

- if you start a scene from scratch and you turn on the Bloom and Glare on the VFB tone mapping area (without cinema4D + corona tag in the scene) and then I go to create a new corona camera, seems the Bloom and glare stay on forever.
Usually I don't make any change on VFB Tone mapping before create a camera, but I prefer to make a corona camera as first step...but in this way my B&G is deactivated every time I start the production render.
Very frustrating

what do you think?

happens to me if you try to filter an HDR into the Corona SKY object  by using the Corona Color correct as well...
Latest Cinema, latest Corona and later Apple MacOS system...


[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Force quit C4D after render
« on: 2024-12-23, 18:36:11 »
Same here on my Mac Book Pro M1 Max and Mac Studio...latest corona render, latest Cinema4D 2025.1, latest OSX...

Sorry Maru...I agree.
Unfortunately this bug is very annoying and still here from old releases...

Hello to all,

I tried to use the new Override Camera settings, I loaded a picture into the Direct Visibility slot with frontal projection. I thought that this settings are used for make an override per camera and its very doesn't works because I got the direct viability of the Camera ad the SKY as well.
I had to disable the direct visibility from the SKY settings otherwise the picture and the sky become mixed...

How does it supposed to works?

thanks bnji for your replay. I opened some topics about this issue here if you remember...

This issue has existed for many versions of the rendering engine but I think only MacOS is afflicted by that. Did you try on MacOS or windows?

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Problem with Proxies and 2025
« on: 2024-10-30, 11:58:30 »
Thanks for your replay...yes I'm using a proxy (vrmesh) moved into my assets and re-used many times...
After upgraded to 2025 now I have this strage behavior...
Usually I move my asset from cosmos because the standard applied material (many on the vegetation assets) are very some color correction need to be done.

My cosmos is fine right now, but if you hit "update" remember to take a look to the desktop, you can see the DMG mounted. You must run the installer by yourself otherwise cosmos will brick.
A very bad software IMHO

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Problem with Proxies and 2025
« on: 2024-10-28, 11:42:58 »
Hello to all, I noticed a problem with proxy objects and 2025 with Corona 12 HF2. Some alpha channel texture are not rendered properly as you can see into the picture below. (the flower to the left is converted to poly, other objects are proxy)

This issue happens only with Cinema4D 2025 and not with Cinema4D 2024...I tested on my studio.
I hope this help to investigate.

here is the file I tested on:

I recently installed Sequoia MacOS on my Mac and when I started the installer a Rosetta software is needed for proceed to the installation.
Maybe the time has come to discontinue the use of Rosetta, or to separate the installers...or tell to Chaos developers to compiling the chaos background apps with new SDK.
Just my two cents

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: CoronaCore has crashed
« on: 2024-10-11, 12:40:43 »
Have you considered upgrading Cinema4D and Corona Render? It's hard to identify the issue (maybe not enough memory for the scene?) due to outdated versions of both software.

It happens to me too, very annoying... I don't know if this issue is related to Corona Render or if something else has changed with the Redshift integration in the viewport... Anyway, this material refresh issue is very annoying.

Please guys....solve the Bloom and Glare stopping during the final VFB totally drive me crazy...Am I the only one this happens to?
Latest release on macOS...

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