Author Topic: Corona and Apple Silicon  (Read 20004 times)

2021-01-09, 11:49:02


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Hello friends

Has anyone tested corona on an Apple Silicon device? How's the performance?
And even more important: Does Corona work on an M1 at all? I mean like really working, not just "somehow spitting out an emulated image".

If someone of the developers can give me the guarantee that corona works on silicon, then I'd be willing to maybe get a MacBook Air M1 and run some tests.

Thanks and cheers!
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2021-01-14, 19:59:03
Reply #1


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Any progress on this? I tried to get the Corona plugin to work on my new M1 Mac, but it does not show up on Cinema4D or in the team render client. Has anyone been able to get this to work?

2021-01-20, 13:56:27
Reply #2


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Corona plugin isn't fully ported yet to natively work on M1 processors, but you can still run it using Rosetta.

First, please install latest daily build of Corona v7 if you don't have it already.

Then, you need to make sure Rosetta 2 is installed. You should be asked to install it any time you try to open any application that is compiled for Intel processors, so there is a good chance you already have it on your system. The quickest way to check it is to try to open Corona Image Editor - it should either open directly, meaning you already have Rosetta installed, or ask you to install Rosetta.

Afterwards, you can just switch your Cinema 4D to start using Rosetta so it can load Corona plugin. To do this, find Cinema 4D in you Applications folder, right click (or ctrl+click) its icon, select "Get Info" and check "Open using Rosetta". After this you should be able to open Cinema 4D as usual and Corona should load normally.

We realize this is not perfect and we are already investigating native support of M1 processors.

2021-01-21, 12:04:32
Reply #3


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Corona plugin isn't fully ported yet to natively work on M1 processors, but you can still run it using Rosetta.

First, please install latest daily build of Corona v7 if you don't have it already.

Then, you need to make sure Rosetta 2 is installed. You should be asked to install it any time you try to open any application that is compiled for Intel processors, so there is a good chance you already have it on your system. The quickest way to check it is to try to open Corona Image Editor - it should either open directly, meaning you already have Rosetta installed, or ask you to install Rosetta.

Afterwards, you can just switch your Cinema 4D to start using Rosetta so it can load Corona plugin. To do this, find Cinema 4D in you Applications folder, right click (or ctrl+click) its icon, select "Get Info" and check "Open using Rosetta". After this you should be able to open Cinema 4D as usual and Corona should load normally.

We realize this is not perfect and we are already investigating native support of M1 processors.

Thank you a lot. This is good news.

I have been working on Mac with Cinema4D and Corona for years. It works like a charm and I am more than happy to hear you are already investigating on the support of the new chips.

Top :)

2021-02-25, 07:14:57
Reply #4


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Thank you Ales!  I was able to install Rosetta and then launch C4D with Rosetta setting.   I just bought an M1 MacMini today and Corona is rendering great.  The Mini is pretty short on RAM (8 GBs) so hitting some ceilings there.  I was able to get my PC running Team Render and that is going well.
« Last Edit: 2021-02-25, 08:12:30 by Smetz »

2021-09-23, 10:36:51
Reply #5


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This is very much interesting, I am about to buy a new computer and am using Mac today and love working in the Mac OS system. But the M1 has a limit of 16 GB and the results on the benchmarks are not that good. But the rumors are that there are good things comming in a couple of months. Very interesting this is.. *yoda*

2022-03-25, 17:41:49
Reply #6


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Does anyone know would a 5950x stack up to one of the latest M1 Ultra chips in terms of rendering performance?

2022-03-25, 22:48:47
Reply #7


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Does anyone know would a 5950x stack up to one of the latest M1 Ultra chips in terms of rendering performance?

There is the first M1 Ultra result  with Corona Benchmark - 00:01:14.48.  A drop in the water of benchmark tests.
Until we see more results, it actually is even slower  than AMD Ryzen 5900x and more likely to match  i7, latest 12 gen.
i9 12th gen and AMD Ryzen 5950x are definitely quicker than the M1 Ultra, at least when it comes to the Corona Benchmark results.
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2022-03-26, 01:14:55
Reply #8


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Any M1 results would be run under emulation (Rosetta) though since the benchmark isn't Apple native, which would make it slower than it could be ;)
Tom Grimes |
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2024-10-30, 14:39:26
Reply #9


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I'm not educated enough about hardwares, so maybe someone can help me understand/inform about this :
Is it possible to use a mac mini (especially latest one with m4), with windows os and external gpu? And if possible, how would be corona's performance?

I'm asking this because it's basically creating a mobil workstation which you can easily keep on your suitcase (+a laptop or macbook for monitor), so being able to live like a digital nomad.