Chaos Corona Forum

Chaos Corona for Cinema 4D => [C4D] Bug Reporting => Topic started by: Börje on 2022-01-18, 17:37:29

Title: Not all rendered images of animation contain Bloom and Glare
Post by: Börje on 2022-01-18, 17:37:29

I'm rendering an animation containing Bloom and Glare.
The animation is 300 frames long. After rendering I noticed that not in all images the bloom and glare is visible. So I have to render all the single frames once again. In most cases the bloom and glare on these re-rendered images can be seen. I output single EXR-images (no multipass-image).
I'm not sure if this is related to the daily build.

I'm using the daily build 2022-01-07 on C4D R25.117 on Windows 10


Title: Re: Not all rendered images of animation contain Bloom and Glare
Post by: mmarcotic on 2022-01-20, 10:03:21

would it be possible to send us the scene that's problematic? You can use the private uploader or dropbox.
If not, I will try to recreate the issue and investigate.

Title: Re: Not all rendered images of animation contain Bloom and Glare
Post by: Beanzvision on 2022-01-20, 12:11:14
Private Uploader: