Author Topic: Out of memory with team renderer...  (Read 1016 times)

2024-08-21, 23:05:45


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Hi Forum,

I know this might not be a Corona problem so please forgive me! I have my workstation with 96GB RAM(AMD 7950X) and a Aero17 Laptop with 64GB RAM (Intel i9 10th Gen). I'm trying to get Team Render to work but keeps giving me a 'out of memory' in the TM Client console. The scene is only small, a logo animated for 10secs for my website header. Is there certain things I need to check-mark to get it to work? Many thank's, John :-) Both machines are on Windows 11 Pro BTW.

2024-08-22, 12:30:00
Reply #1


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Hi Forum,

I got it going by deleting the 9 ies lights i had in a cloner above. But now it has stopped working again with a error saying 'corona is not activated'. How do I activate Corona on my laptop that is running Team Render without opening C4D on the laptop as my licence for C4D is assigned to my workstation?

2024-08-22, 12:54:29
Reply #2


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Just to check, you have one or more Corona Render Nodes (either from historically having a subscription from before Corona 8, or through purchase)? As to render on two machines at once will require that additional license.
Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us

2024-08-22, 14:20:17
Reply #3


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Hi Tom,

I see, I thought you could use 2 machines with one Corona licence, use the second machine as a TR machine. Not possible without another licence? Did work, then did not. No biggie, my workstation is rendering the frames at 20sec, the laptop 3mins so not really worth it, LOL.

2024-08-22, 16:15:29
Reply #4


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One license is really two things - the GUI license, to open and use the UI, and the rendering license. So you could, for instance, open C4D in one machine and use the GUI, while rendering on another; but fairly pointless tbh as you won't have IR in the first machine, and even material previews may not render. Anyway, to have two machines rendering at once, you will need two render licenses, one you get as part of the main Corona license as mentioned, then a Render Node is the most economic way to have a second one. Those who have had unbroken subscriptions since before Corona 8 do still have historical extra render nodes, but since then Corona only has the one render license.

PS the second one won't need C4D or Max to be opened to authorize it, as the authorization can all come from the License Server on the main machine (or some other License Server specific machine on the network, if you have it set up that way).
Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us