Author Topic: Convert Mats to Vantage...  (Read 2959 times)

2024-07-09, 20:02:18


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Hi All,

Watched the webinar on Vantage today and very keen to trial it. I have a big pop-up event site I would love to trial. Quite a complex scene with 100's of materials. Some are legacy some are standard mats. I looked at the vantage compatability chart and recon quite a few will fail. Is there a way to get these highlighted or is this something that could be created? Similar to the 'Convert To Corona' but for Vantage? I will see how it goes once I have my trial up n running :-)

2024-07-10, 14:52:26
Reply #1


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Is there a way to get these highlighted or is this something that could be created?

Hi, can you explain what exactly you mean by this?
It would probably be easier for us to advise if we knew what exactly you are trying to export (what kind of scene, objects, materials).

Other than that, looking forward to the results of your tests. :)
Marcin Miodek |
3D Support Team Lead - Corona | contact us

2024-07-10, 20:33:23
Reply #2


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Hi Team,

I am trying to open a project in Vantage but keeps crashing. Probably because of materials I guess? The materials that work don't keep their mappings correct, ie cubic turns uvw etc. I will sit down on the weekend and have a little play n learn. Would be handy if i could be flagged what materials are causing the crashes.

2024-07-10, 21:58:25
Reply #3


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Generally I'd only expect something that exceeded video RAM to cause Vantage to crash, as any other "problem materials" simply won't load/exist in Vantage. That might help guide your search :) And let us know what you find out!
Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us

2024-07-17, 12:26:38
Reply #4


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Hi Jonny,

I had the same problem, and after some trial and error, I realized that was related to the linked materials in the asset browser.
Therefore if you "save with assets" the scene and go from there, it will export fine to Vantage. However, regarding the mapping of the material, it is known that for now is only supported UVW mapping.
Hope it helps people out there having the same problem.


Hi Team,

I am trying to open a project in Vantage but keeps crashing. Probably because of materials I guess? The materials that work don't keep their mappings correct, ie cubic turns uvw etc. I will sit down on the weekend and have a little play n learn. Would be handy if i could be flagged what materials are causing the crashes.

2024-07-18, 17:08:42
Reply #5


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Hi Luis,

I have to be honest. Been blaying arround with Vantage for a while now and personally, I thought it was going to be a lot more straight forward. I have realised I would have to work the Vantage way too much to make it work (i.e materials etc). I also find Vantage results to be no way near as good as Corona. Corona is superfast and I have a pretty darn fast workstation so come to the conclusion I won't be using it or have the need to churn out projects faster than what I'm able at the mo. Vantage is a great app but think it needs more time to mature :-)