Author Topic: Corona Velocity Pass Camera vs. World  (Read 1280 times)

2023-10-12, 09:24:13


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Hey there,

maybe a stupid question, but can someone tell me whats the difference between the World and the Camera setting in the Velocity pass?
Is it maybe comparable to the "Enable Objects" and "Enable Camera" in the corona motionblur rendersettings?

I'm a bit confused here :)
I used the search function in the forums, but didn't find anything.

Thank you and have a nice day!


2023-10-12, 13:40:59
Reply #1


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From :
Mode – Velocity element mode. In "Camera" mode the movement relative to screen is shown, with movement to right being red, and movement up being green. Both object and camera movement is taken into account. In "World" mode the object movement in world space (XYZ represented as RGB) is shown. Camera movement is ignored in this mode.

Mostly it comes down to what your post-processing program expects to receive as velocity data (Nuke, RSMB, etc.). There's also
- hope this helps!
Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us

2023-10-13, 13:23:36
Reply #2


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Hey Tom,

thanks for the help, now that whole thing makes sense :)
I watched the Quick Tip a few weeks ago, but there was no explanation of the two different types of MB afaik.

Really appreciate all the support work you guys are doing. Helped me a lot of times to get projects done and make the customers happy.

Have a nice Weekend!

2023-10-13, 13:45:14
Reply #3


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No worries! The quick tip only covered things from one perspective if I remember, it is pretty old :O We didn't really look too much at RSMB because it's commercial and someone would need to buy it to use it, and we prefer to make tutorials that anyone can use because they have access to the tools we talk about. So that might be why it didn't cover the options too well. Glad the helpdesk article helped though! And we are always happy to help out when we can, my opinion is the same as yours, that our support folks are stellar :)
Tom Grimes |
Product Manager | contact us