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Messages - HFPatzi

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10]
Hi beanzvision,
hi houska,

I uploaded a scene file with the relevant content with you private uploader: 1543308129_Substrance-TR-Corona.rar

I just changed the Brand-Logo. But the way the logo and all the other stuff is used on the object is the same.
The Scene was illuminated with a HDRI.

@houska: i will try to copy all the assets manually, when i got the time and see if it makes any difference.

Thanks for your support!


[C4D] General Discussion / Substance Materials => Temarender
« on: 2018-11-24, 14:44:31 »

Not quite sure where to put this topic, so if wrong, please move it ;)

When I use substances in Corona Materials via the C4D Substance pipeline, there is no problem, rendering on one machine. But if i send it to network rendering, it shows the substance logo on the affected objects instead of the materials.

Are Substances in corona via Teamrender not supported yet or is there a trick to it?



[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Render times
« on: 2018-11-24, 14:20:59 »
Thanks for you explanation. Thats kinda strange. An image that size should not take that long, especially at this noise level. Did you have a low-ram-warning or checked your ram usage while rendering? And what are your machine's specs?

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Render times
« on: 2018-11-24, 01:01:29 »
For comparison: Most of the time i render 9000 x 6000 pixels @72dpi. Since these are Converted CAD-Files my polycount is quite large. Between 3000000 and 6000000. This being said, My rendertimes vary between 2 to 6 hours at a noise level between 1 and 2 before denoising.

So I guess you are rendering 190cm x 240cm @300 dpi, and for that size, 32 hours in my opinion is not too bad.
How many Renderclients did you use?

Ok, after rendering a new Project with 20s update interval and 200MB Packet size, it renders way faster.

[...]+ the Mac Pro’s (not sure about the specs)[...]


the newer Mac Pro is some intel xeon 6-core @ 3,5GHz and the older Mac Pro has two 6-core processors @ 2,4GHz.

I will render out two images after the weekend for you to compare. Unfortunatly I can't send you the scene file because of a NDA but i will give you as much information and screenshots as i can get. It is not a big decrease of quality though. But I thought the result should be nearly the same but it is slightly better on a single machine with less passes compared to more passes on 11 machines ;)
I waited until the progress bar in cinema's picture viewer was gone when teamrendering.

BTW is there a way to teamrender a still image in Corona's VFB, since i like that one more?

Greetings and a nice weekend,

Ok, after rendering a new Project with 20s update interval and 200MB Packet size, it renders way faster.
There is however a quality decrease. 50 passes on teamrender where noisier than 12 passes rendered on my main machine only.


Here are my experiences with teamrender so far.

I'm using the latest Build "Beta 2 Final", Cinema 4D R18.057 Studio on a Win10 PC (i9 7940X / 64GB RAM).
My still images are mostly 9000 x 6000. I have 10 Clients at my displosal (8 x i7 7700, 1 x Mac Pro late 2013 with 32GB RAM and 1 x Mac Pro mid 2012 with 16GB RAM) and it seems that these 11 Computers together are about as fast (Maybe half an hour faster) as if'd render it only on my main machine (roughly 3 hours at a 100 pass limit). In my opinion it should at least be half as long if not faster than with one machine only.

Corona Teamrender settings are: Manual/update interval 5s/packet size 10MB. I'm working on my Company's Gigabit-Network.
Looks like sending back all the junks seems to be the most time consuming part but setting them too high caused crashes in the past. Also i experienced a slight decrease in quality when teamrendering compared to single-pc rendering at the same settings/number of passes.


I don't know if it has something to do with it but you can also check what happens with the masks when you assign two different material IDs to the label and the underlying material. In my case none of the mask passes contained masks where normally should be one mask for the label and one for the underlying material with the label subtracted.


I'm sorry for that. Didn't find it on my search.


just stumbled over this thread and since i have pretty much a similar problem with labels stacked onto anoter material. If still interesting for you, can either raphael or patrick try to do a multipass render with different material IDs for the label and the underlying material and tell me what appears in the mask channels? In my case i have no mask at all for that specific object on wich these two materials are stacked.



one reason could be the mac osx lock screen. The one you can disable in the osx security settings.
I my case my main machine (windows) crashed because one of the render clients (osx sierra) went into the lock screen.
Maybe you try to uncheck the checkbox marked im my screenshot (unfortunatly it's german).
I know this is an older topic, but maybe this helps.


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