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Messages - johnnyswedish

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I love the new VFB2 as I can now drag it from my main wide curved DELL to my small monitor without text doing distroted, kepps the layout readable. Before I had to first make full size then click the tabs to get the text to display correct. Little anoying thing gone, good work! And more stable as well :-)

[C4D] Daily Builds / Fast loading now...
« on: 2024-06-25, 13:06:48 »
Nice work Team Corona for getting this sorted!

Loads instantly now... Happy Days :-)

Hi Tom,

I uninstalled the latest build and re-installed latest stable 11. Opens in a split second. Only problem I now have is missing mats on objects (the ? on the mat tags, not all, about 25% in the scene which I have now manually linked back. This is the first time I have had any problems with dailys so not compaining and hopefully you'll get it sorted soon. Love the new VFB2 btw! I have a big DELL 38" curved and a small second Viewsonic, before when I dragged the VFB window from main monitor to smaller, the text on the right would not display propperly, does now :-)

Hi All,

I have been running the last couple of daily builds and found opening projects EXTREMELY SLOW. Last daily build I gave up after waiting for 30mins... Have reverted to latest stable 11 (hotfix 2) and opens instantly. SUPER EXITED about Vantage, had a little go so great to see this being rolled out, nice work Team Corona!

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: Daily Build June 12 on Mac Studio
« on: 2024-06-18, 21:54:35 »
Hi All,

I know this thread was specific for OSX but I have the same problem on Windows 11. Just installed the current stable version and loads instantly.

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: Daily Build June 12 on Mac Studio
« on: 2024-06-18, 10:16:16 »
Hi All,

Opened my project and takes 16:52... I have a custom built rig with a 16core AMD, 96GB fast ram, RTX 4080 Super so no slug with Windows 11 Pro. Everything works ok and stable once loaded. Like Stefan mentioned, I do think the broblem is with mat search paths. Not 100%. If you ask Maxon, they will reply that it's not their fault, you need to be using RS. I do have a hunch it is the Asset Browser causing this, but probably wrong?

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: Daily Build June 12 on Mac Studio
« on: 2024-06-17, 17:59:17 »
Actually REALLY SLOW............................ closed my project by mistake and re-opened, still loading after 20min!

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: Daily Build June 12 on Mac Studio
« on: 2024-06-17, 16:23:14 »
I have been having extremely slow load times as well and I am on Windows 11 as well. Not sure it is Corona or Maxon's INSANE asset browser since R21 or 22? Frankly, it sucks and I  don't hear anyone praising it.

Hi Nejc,

Thanks for the clarification. Sure, will use it when I need small animations done, not often. TBH, my new machine is SO FAST I don't really need it for stills which is mostly my 'bred n butter'. Thanks and have  good week :-) John.

HI Forum,

I got a new custom workstation last week (AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 16core, 96GB RAM, RTX 4080Super). I had a AERO17 laptop (Intel Core 9 10th gen, 64GB Ram, RTX 2080Super). The render time difference is insane! 40min v 2.2mins... so not complaining btw. I have my AERO17 connected to my highspeed local and wonder if there is any point using it as a render node? Do any one out there do this? Is it possible to get better render speeds? Tried a test scene and takes 6mins so guessing not or is there a issue I can fix?

Thanks and have a good weekend :-)

Interesting, I will try this as well. Think they need to sort this out, we pay good money for their library and should work, take for example Stefan-L's amazing ones! Work flawlessly. Will send Siger another email and keep you posted... Have a good week :-)

Hi Leo3d,

Just butting in here reading your comment on Siger. I have the complete set and am having issues with scenes opening very slooooooow. Not to mention, not being able to package projects with their materials and sending to render farms which for me do not work so very limited use with their material libs. Hopefully this is something they will sort out soon, been very quiet on updates their end.

Hi Stefan,

Just purchased the brick collection... Amazing as always! Was using some of my CGAxis mats but didn't quite cut it. This has more brick than you can throw at, LOL! Almost have your complete library now. Top libraries! Have had so many issues with Siger for animation work, you can't export their mats properly for render farms. Almost lost a project because of it, not good!

Thank you Romullus for clarification :-) Will stick with his AMD config once I have funds for purchase.

Hi Forum,

Getting a new desktop PC built soon and have a question on either Intel or AMD? My friend at Armari has suggested AMD Ryzen 9 7950X 4.5-5.7GHz 16 Core UNLOCKED Processor, but my Laptop is a Intel core 9 10th Gen. I have read some people are having problems with Corona / AMD. Should I switch or stay with Intel? Would love to get some user/Corona Team advice before a I commit, Thanks, John :-)

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