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Messages - johnnyswedish

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[C4D] General Discussion / Corona vs Vantage...
« on: 2024-07-13, 19:23:18 »
Hi Forum,

Been playing around with Vantage and I was impressed by the speed... then I started using it and personally thought it would be a lot more straight forward. I would never have time on live projects to use it, to convert materials etc... It is impressive and fast but quality in my oppinion is NO WAY NEAR Corona's. Then I ask myself, do I really need speed over quality when I have a render engine that is superfast with a top workstation? I will be sticking with Corona :-) Only my oppinion btw.

Glad to share :-) They will introduce different mapping in the future, kinda important I think! Have a good weekend...


Been trialing Vantage as well. A bit more involved than I thought. Only accepts uvw mapped materials which for me is a problem. Not as straight forward as I was hoping. Still, early days for Corona so will keep watching...

Hi Support,

Occationally when I set a batch of takes renders to go they render much darker. Only happens occationally. Stop render, then start again and all is well. No big problem but a little one. On 12 btw.

Hi Support,

Just had a answer from Chaos and they tell me they only support UVW mapping. Unfortunately pretty much all my materials are front & cubic mapping so Vantage would be useless to me. What a shame.

Hi Support,

Not sure if this is a Corona or Vantage problem? I am trialing Vantage and a lot of materials are coming over with wrong projection. I have supplied two images so you can see the problem. I have sent Chaos a request as well. Many thanks :-) John

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Convert Mats to Vantage...
« on: 2024-07-10, 20:33:23 »
Hi Team,

I am trying to open a project in Vantage but keeps crashing. Probably because of materials I guess? The materials that work don't keep their mappings correct, ie cubic turns uvw etc. I will sit down on the weekend and have a little play n learn. Would be handy if i could be flagged what materials are causing the crashes.

[C4D] Feature Requests / Convert Mats to Vantage...
« on: 2024-07-09, 20:02:18 »
Hi All,

Watched the webinar on Vantage today and very keen to trial it. I have a big pop-up event site I would love to trial. Quite a complex scene with 100's of materials. Some are legacy some are standard mats. I looked at the vantage compatability chart and recon quite a few will fail. Is there a way to get these highlighted or is this something that could be created? Similar to the 'Convert To Corona' but for Vantage? I will see how it goes once I have my trial up n running :-)

Yep. Throw a Corona comp tag and de-select 'seen by camera'. You can also switch off refections etc :-)

Hi Support,

Very keen to try Vantage but going to wait with my trial until Corona can use camera animations. All my work is set up with C4D camera rigs so will wait until this is possible. Just curious when this will be in the next 13 daily build? Weeks or month? Gave it a go for a day and very impressed.

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Easy double sided decals...
« on: 2024-07-05, 19:59:15 »
Did it ol skool way, works :-) But would be nice to maaybe have this option in the decal?

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Easy double sided decals...
« on: 2024-07-04, 10:21:48 »
HI Romullus,

I can't find this in C4D, is it a Max ting?

[C4D] Feature Requests / Easy double sided decals...
« on: 2024-07-03, 20:22:15 »
Hi All,

First I wanted to say the new decals are AWESOME! Being able to bend them is a massive one. Is there a simple way to impliment double sided decals? Would be super handy for bottle labels needing white paper on the back. I know Tom showed me a way to do it but can't remeber and it was a bit labour intensive.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Vantage intergration...
« on: 2024-06-28, 20:05:05 »
Thanks Tom! Will have a go next week, have a bit of downtime finally. Have a good weekend :-)

[C4D] General Discussion / Vantage intergration...
« on: 2024-06-28, 16:05:50 »
Hi Support,

Great work on the last build! I signed up for a 30 day trial for Vantage but asked them to postpone it as it was too early. I am super keep to learn Vantage with Corona mainly for store/event fly-throug's so need to know when is the best time to re-activate my trial? I have a full ALDI store I built and kept the mats as simple as possible to port to Octane. I have set up 8 walk-through animations and would love to spend the 30-day trial to texture, light and animate this with Vantage. When you release 12, will it be ok and have all features available? I have a 4080RTX card in my new machine and keen to do some GPU still renders, will Vantage help on single images as well? Have a good weekend All :-)

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