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Topics - johnnyswedish

Pages: 1 ... 5 6 [7]
Hi Corona Team,

I am working on a outdoor bar scene and rendering out 1080x1920pix renders at 80 passes. I have set up 4 TAKES and set them to render but it crashes. They are rendering OK if I send them separately. I am using a MacBook Pro 17". Screen grabs and bug report included for you :-) John

[C4D] General Discussion / Copying and pasting objects
« on: 2017-05-22, 10:02:20 »
Hi Corona Forum,

I have a question. I have been working on a large wall bay with whiskey bottles on which I have applied layered materials to (glass then a label on). When I copy this group of bottles into another scene (which is saved in the same folder) I loose my layered materials and have to re-link them. Is there a special way to do this or will this be fixed in the future? Fantastic renderer by the way! Good work :-) Do you have any idea when you will be releasing the commercial version? Many thanks! John

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