If a light's intensity is 0 or it's turned off, then
It is handled differently for the sun obviously. If setting on/off state, the light data of the sun goes to the "Rest" element if switching from a frame where the sun is turned off to a frame where the sun is on. Restarting IR on that frame fixes this as well as animating intensity instead of switching on/off state.
- Load attached scene, there is a light and a sun in red and same in blue. The blue ones are only active on frame 0, the red ones only on frame 1.
- Start (VFB) IR at frame 0. Switch to LightMix channel. It should be black because light mix is active and only the red lights are checked to be displayed in LightMix.
- Now move to frame 1. You see the red light but not the sun (you can find the sun data in "Rest" element instead)
- Restart IR at frame 1. Now the light data is correct.
And btw: automatic sun selection in a corona sky has an issue with such a setup:
Press "8" and activate the background map, then (try to) render ir at frame 1. Disabling automatic setup solves that one.
Good Luck