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Messages - Frood

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 132
General CG Discussion / Re: 3dsMax material issue
« on: 2024-11-28, 15:08:38 »

cannot confirm using Max 2024.2.1 and Corona V12 update 1 (using multiloaders).

as it would crash 3ds Max


Good Luck

[Max] I need help! / Re: Corona Multimap Script
« on: 2024-11-28, 09:37:25 »

as said, you can plug maps into the slots (up to 100) using SME. But they do not appear in the parameter editor, only in SME view. All parameters above slot 25 can only be changed by script (example above). It is not possible to change that behavior (questionable anyway) by script.

Good Luck

[Max] I need help! / Re: Corona Multimap Script
« on: 2024-11-28, 08:46:52 »

what do you mean by "adjust"? You can add a map to a slot in the material editor (up to 100), but you cannot change the parameters there. Maybe this helps:

Code: [Select]
-- get a reference to the map, assuming to find it in diffuse of the selected object and using a CoronaPhysicalMtl:

-- show all properties:
show Multimap

-- Choose a slot:

-- list parameters of the slot:
format "Frequency: %\n" Multimap.frequency[indexToChange] as string
format "Texmap: %\n" (if Multimap.texmaps[indexToChange]==undefined then "-none-" else Multimap.texmaps[indexToChange].name)
format "Texmap on: %\n" Multimap.texmapsOn[indexToChange]
format "Color: %\n" Multimap.colors[indexToChange]
format "Texmap on: %\n" Multimap.texmapsOn[indexToChange]

--set frequency and color:
Multimap.colors[indexToChange]=color 128 64 64

Good Luck


yes, CXR has a lot extra layers (and metadata), thus the size difference (actually the reason to have a "CXR" primary). As mentioned, the denoised pass should be in your EXR. It may be any issue with deadline though, your setup is correct imho. But if the denoised beauty is not in your locally rendered EXR, it could be a Corona bug as well. Just to make clear: you are using Corona v12, not v12.1 or v12 update1?

You could delete all objects from your scene and attach it so we can have a look at it/test it - or start a ticket if you like that more.

Good Luck

It works well except that I'm not getting any denoised passes in the file.

This is strange because you should get a denoised beauty only with this setup. The non denoised should be the one missing (which can be obtained by adding a CShading_Beauty element with denoise amount 0).

Please add at least Corona + 3ds Max version information and if you use single node or network/dr.

Good Luck

Current daily-2024-11-04:

Thanks for reverting from that VFB history restriction nonsense and for the installer unpack option.

As for the "Update during animation" checkbox of VFB auto adjustments: I still cannot figure out a situation where this would be unwanted. What's the use case here?

Good Luck

This happens using all spinners? If so, then check spinner settings:

"Preferences" -> "Spinners" -> "Snap", especially "Use Snap" checkbox

Good Luck

... or select map if it's just about the material color (yes, both are keyable).

Good Luck

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona Physical Material
« on: 2024-10-18, 08:24:06 »
It's a crappy hack to get the physical material on top, see

Good Luck

[Max] I need help! / Re: Strange Corona Camera Track Name
« on: 2024-10-18, 08:09:40 »
@Avi see CMAX-1214, it's already reported. Similar issue in CoronaCameraMod.

Select a CoronaCam, go to motion tab in command panel -> "Assign Controller" -> expand "Object (CoronaCamera)" or look into track view.

Good Luck

The support for saving history autosaves was disabled for sequences and DR nodes because in some cases it could result in filling up the disk space and firing an error message which could block rendering.

Just silently delete the oldest item if disk space limit is exceeded and eliminate that "error" dialogue entirely as it is standard for auto backups, log file rotation and more - no one will miss it. How many "reports" are there about this issue to justify that drastic change anyway.

Good Luck

any ideas why?

Because developers decided once again to cripple a feature instead of eliminating the cause.

Good Luck

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: A bug with LightMix
« on: 2024-10-11, 09:59:31 »
If a light's intensity is 0 or it's turned off, then

It is handled differently for the sun obviously. If setting on/off state, the light data of the sun goes to the "Rest" element if switching from a frame where the sun is turned off to a frame where the sun is on. Restarting IR on that frame fixes this as well as animating intensity instead of switching on/off state.
  • Load attached scene, there is a light and a sun in red and same in blue. The blue ones are only active on frame 0, the red ones only on frame 1.
  • Start (VFB) IR at frame 0. Switch to LightMix channel. It should be black because light mix is active and only the red lights are checked to be displayed in LightMix.
  • Now move to frame 1. You see the red light but not the sun (you can find the sun data in "Rest" element instead)
  • Restart IR at frame 1. Now the light data is correct.

And btw: automatic sun selection in a corona sky has an issue with such a setup:
Press "8" and activate the background map, then (try to) render ir at frame 1. Disabling automatic setup solves that one.

Good Luck

This happens when quiet mode is active.


Good Luck

So Frood, your script only works when I manually choose to open in that quiet mode, right? (And must have max already open?)

Yes, by purpose for the mentioned reasons. Btw, this one:

is a side effect of having quiet mode active and is the exact issue of the topic I already mentioned to you in reply #2.

Anyone know if I can edit this script so it disables only the warning I want to suppress?

That's just not possible by (Max) design unfortunately.

Edit: If you want to load scenes generally in silent mode but automatically turn it off after loading (so you do not suffer from the mentioned CoronaBitmap issue), then use this instead:

Good Luck

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