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Messages - Stefan-L

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 37
well i know, but as vantage reads vrscenes from other apps, then it seems close that a written vrscene can be used also for other purpose (it seems to renders fine in vray via vrscene loader for example)

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: 100% cpu in IPR usage in daily?
« on: 2024-11-10, 18:04:58 »
ok maybe i found it; the default -1 setting (one thread less than all possible threads) seem not to work anymore, also not -2,-3,-4...

what does work it seems is set the actual thread number, so i used 24 threads and now ipr usage is like expected and the gui doesnt stall anymore.

[C4D] Daily Builds / Re: 100% cpu in IPR usage in daily?
« on: 2024-11-10, 16:42:40 »
win10, dual xeon 56 core, c4d 2024.5

default settings, denoiser for IPR off

also if i reduce the cpu usage  settings for IPR it doesnt improve

i didn t have this in 12, but now in almost any bigger scene, i cannot even stop the the ipr render or close the vfb window(only after many tries)

the extreme cpu usage problem is ONLY when rendering IPR, not when rendering final images.

this means Vantage has been adapted to render corona exported vrscenes?

[C4D] Daily Builds / 100% cpu in IPR usage in daily?
« on: 2024-11-09, 01:31:43 »
for some reason i get often 100% cpu usage in IPR render, even though i set the IPR to not use all threads.

any idea?
this is new for me, i use latest v13 daily

this means i can hardly edit any while IPR is running

for info/help


woudl an exported vrscene from corona render work in the chaos cloud?

or are the formats too different from v-ray?

[C4D] I need help! / export to vantage crashes all time
« on: 2024-11-01, 23:50:38 »
i have a scene which i wanted to render in vantage, but i cannot export it, the direct open in vantage command as well as the corona vrscene export crash c4d at around 75 % of the export.

any idea on what i can look? i use the latest v13 daily from yesterday.
are there any known crash points?

the scene has a lot of geom but nothing vantage should not be able to use (vray export seems normally ok on such big scenes)

thanks for tips and help!

now it works here to again. thanks. not sure what was before...

i tried to download the latest v13 daily beta, but i cannot get it to download, any other is successful?

as i get crashes in Vantange export i hoped the daily woudl solve that,
can someone fromthe corona team check why the download not works? i tried from 2 different pcs, inrwenet here works ok so that cannot be the issue


if i change a path of an HDRI  in a light/sky via the c4d "project asset inspector", c4d freezes for ever.
like to set the path from local to global or reverse.

this is in a scene with 1 hdri in several sky objects, but i see it also in a simpler file

i hope you can fix that, is quite annoying. we use the inspector a lot to manage the asset textures from imported assets


[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: convert scene opacity error
« on: 2024-10-08, 22:06:08 »
any c4d material from any source

[C4D] Bug Reporting / convert scene opacity error
« on: 2024-10-07, 21:17:54 »
here convert scene converts all mats with opacity color 0&, this is a bug as then all materials render invisible, it shoudl be 100%/white

hope this can be fixed soon, cost time to revert on every converison

[C4D] General Discussion / IPR- real zoom?
« on: 2024-10-05, 20:23:11 »
it woudl be great to have a real cam zoom feature in IPR, so for example if i zoom in in vfb it renders that area in the new zoomed resolution. so woudl enable one to zoom to areas of the image and see them in IPR in detail/higher resolution.

this would save so many hours of work while tweaking scenes and details.

i think in max corona and/or vray this is already possible?

as title says it crashes my r2025 at startup, when i remove the chaos scatter folder it starts ok

win10, 64, 2025.0 (normal release)

ok never mind i found it. seems this is no vrscene as i expected, nut an huge number of .cgb mesh files

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