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Messages - HFPatzi

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If the VFB 2 in C4D is the same as in 3ds Max, then you have to click once on render elements dropdown before you can scroll through items with the mouse wheel. I agree with you that the old system was more convenient when you could scroll without additional click.

Hey romullus,

Thanks for the tip. just tried this. I click to open the dropdown and then scrollwheel down. Unfortunatly the menu just closes ;)

Oh, I Forgot to mention: I'm working on Win11, Corona 12 hf2 and Cinema 2025.0.2.

@John_Do You're right. The LUT-Menu works the same as before.

Hey there,

Not sure if this is intended or not. In the old Corona VFB, I was able to use my mousewheel to easily scroll through the passes in the passes dropdown menu.
I found this quite handy and used it all the time, since my focus could stay on the image while scolling through passes.

In the new VFB this "feature" isn't available anymore, plus the menu moved from top center to top right. So my eyes always have to move between the menu and the actual image wich is pretty tideous, especially on ultrawide screens.
Is there any way to get the old behaviour back?

Thank you!

Have a great day!


Hey petrue,

there's one thing that could cause this: Are you sure you are running on port 1? Unless you canged it, it should say something like: ""


[C4D] General Discussion / Re: render region
« on: 2024-11-05, 16:14:11 »
Hey celmar,

Haven't tried cinema's render region but corona's render region works with team render.
I use it all the time.

Have a nice day,


Hey bnji!

Thanks for your answer...and sorry for the delay ;)

Maybe then it will be best to remove the little Keyframe diamonds on this parameters, to avoid confusion, won't it?
(If this is the case with newer version of corona, ignore my suggestion ;) )

Have a great day!

Hey There,

just out of interest: Can you tell me where the denoising on a renderfarm setup (1 Temrender Server Machine and several clients) is happening?

On a still image, does every client denoise their part or is denoising done on the Server Machine after all chunks are assembled back to one image?

Same question for animation renders: Is it happening on the client machines or on the server machine?

Thanks in advance!

Have a great day!

[C4D] I need help! / Re: shadow has weird maps
« on: 2024-10-21, 10:47:38 »
Hey there,

you could also try to convert you psd to a different color profile. At least the one used in the multipass image (linear color profile or something) is kinda weird.

Hey there!

A colleague of mine just tried to animate the exposure value in the corona camera tag. Turns out, that the only parameter you can keyframe are the enable and override. Even though there's the little keyframe-diamond in front of all settings.
I tested it on my machine => outcome is the same.

We both use cinema 2024.4.1 and corona 11 (hotfix 1). He's on a mac pro m1 and I am on a PC with windows 10.

Would be cool if you could take a look (maybe this is fixed in newer versions?)

In a new scene just drop a corona camera and try to keyframe said settings.

Thank you!


[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Multilayer PSD with alpha
« on: 2024-04-29, 08:15:16 »
Hey there,

not sure if i understood correctly, but to save the alphachannel as actual channel and not as a layer, the "Alpha Cannel" checkbox under the regular image settings has to be ticked on even if you only save the multipass image.
See screenshot attached. Maybe this helps.


Yeah, the internet says, that it is there since R25. But I guess not that much people are using it :)

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Track Modifier Tag ignored by Corona
« on: 2023-12-23, 10:42:31 »
Hey There!

A colleague of mine just recently discovoered, that the Cienma 4D Track Modifier Tag is completely ignored by corona on rendertime.
Unfortunatly I am on holidays right now, so i can't build a test scene. But what he basically did was keyframing an object (not parametric) to drop down on the "ground" from a certain height and use the track modifier to give it some springy bounciness, when it hits the floor. In the viewport it works as it should, but the bouncing is completely gone when rendering it. So corona basically renders the keyframed animation without the additional movement, caused by the track modifier.

I have to admit, that i never heard of the track modifier tag before, so i couldn't come up with a solution/workaround for this. But maybe you can set up a simple test scene yourself and see if this phenomenon is happening to you too.
If not, i can do this, but not until two weeks ;)

I wish all of you some nice holidays and a happy new year!
Keep up the great work you're all doing!


Hey Tom,

thanks for the help, now that whole thing makes sense :)
I watched the Quick Tip a few weeks ago, but there was no explanation of the two different types of MB afaik.

Really appreciate all the support work you guys are doing. Helped me a lot of times to get projects done and make the customers happy.

Have a nice Weekend!

[C4D] I need help! / Corona Velocity Pass Camera vs. World
« on: 2023-10-12, 09:24:13 »
Hey there,

maybe a stupid question, but can someone tell me whats the difference between the World and the Camera setting in the Velocity pass?
Is it maybe comparable to the "Enable Objects" and "Enable Camera" in the corona motionblur rendersettings?

I'm a bit confused here :)
I used the search function in the forums, but didn't find anything.

Thank you and have a nice day!


[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Standalone Network Renderserver
« on: 2023-09-13, 14:30:10 »
hehehe, somehow i forgot the sarcasm marker :D

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Standalone Network Renderserver
« on: 2023-09-13, 14:14:51 »
Ah cool. Then i got that wrong. Thanks for clarifying ;)
I guess i have to have a little talk with my boss then, who is always happy to spend money :D

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