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Topics - HFPatzi

Pages: [1] 2 3
Hey there,

Not sure if this is intended or not. In the old Corona VFB, I was able to use my mousewheel to easily scroll through the passes in the passes dropdown menu.
I found this quite handy and used it all the time, since my focus could stay on the image while scolling through passes.

In the new VFB this "feature" isn't available anymore, plus the menu moved from top center to top right. So my eyes always have to move between the menu and the actual image wich is pretty tideous, especially on ultrawide screens.
Is there any way to get the old behaviour back?

Thank you!

Have a great day!


Hey There,

just out of interest: Can you tell me where the denoising on a renderfarm setup (1 Temrender Server Machine and several clients) is happening?

On a still image, does every client denoise their part or is denoising done on the Server Machine after all chunks are assembled back to one image?

Same question for animation renders: Is it happening on the client machines or on the server machine?

Thanks in advance!

Have a great day!

Hey there!

A colleague of mine just tried to animate the exposure value in the corona camera tag. Turns out, that the only parameter you can keyframe are the enable and override. Even though there's the little keyframe-diamond in front of all settings.
I tested it on my machine => outcome is the same.

We both use cinema 2024.4.1 and corona 11 (hotfix 1). He's on a mac pro m1 and I am on a PC with windows 10.

Would be cool if you could take a look (maybe this is fixed in newer versions?)

In a new scene just drop a corona camera and try to keyframe said settings.

Thank you!


[C4D] Bug Reporting / Track Modifier Tag ignored by Corona
« on: 2023-12-23, 10:42:31 »
Hey There!

A colleague of mine just recently discovoered, that the Cienma 4D Track Modifier Tag is completely ignored by corona on rendertime.
Unfortunatly I am on holidays right now, so i can't build a test scene. But what he basically did was keyframing an object (not parametric) to drop down on the "ground" from a certain height and use the track modifier to give it some springy bounciness, when it hits the floor. In the viewport it works as it should, but the bouncing is completely gone when rendering it. So corona basically renders the keyframed animation without the additional movement, caused by the track modifier.

I have to admit, that i never heard of the track modifier tag before, so i couldn't come up with a solution/workaround for this. But maybe you can set up a simple test scene yourself and see if this phenomenon is happening to you too.
If not, i can do this, but not until two weeks ;)

I wish all of you some nice holidays and a happy new year!
Keep up the great work you're all doing!


[C4D] I need help! / Corona Velocity Pass Camera vs. World
« on: 2023-10-12, 09:24:13 »
Hey there,

maybe a stupid question, but can someone tell me whats the difference between the World and the Camera setting in the Velocity pass?
Is it maybe comparable to the "Enable Objects" and "Enable Camera" in the corona motionblur rendersettings?

I'm a bit confused here :)
I used the search function in the forums, but didn't find anything.

Thank you and have a nice day!


[C4D] Bug Reporting / Physical Camera Size and UHD Cache
« on: 2023-08-17, 11:10:35 »
Hey there,

i might have found a new bug ;)

First of, my specs:
AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3960X,
64GB Ram,
win 10,
Cinema 2023.2.2
Corona 10 Timestamp: Jun 20 2023 12:40:33

So here's whats happening:
When i increase the size of the physical camera in the corona camera Tag (e.g. 0,5cm) and hit render with UHD-Cache on (no matter if still or animation setting) the render is stuck at calculating the cache, black vfb and 100% CPU usage. It's not freezing though, only when i cancel the render, cinema freezes and is only gonna quit via task manager. I let it run for about half an hour, no change. Image resolution doesn't matter.

I attached a simple scene for you to try. Just increase the camera's physical size and hit render.

Thank you all so much for your indefatigable efford, to make corona a great render engine ;)

Have a nice day,


[C4D] Feature Requests / Standalone Network Renderserver
« on: 2023-07-27, 08:16:44 »
Good Morning!

First of, i have no idea if this is even possible, but what about a Standalone Solution for Corona Network Rendering?

We have a small renderfarm consisting of one Server Machine and two client Machines. The server runs cinema's teamrender server, the clients run cinema's teamrender client software. To be honest, i'm sick and tired of cinema's teamrender solution in this configuration. The server software is just not robust at all. It is very delicate on how fast you start jobs after each other, cancelling and deleting jobs is just a plain nightmare. When you have to restart the server software, all of a sudden, jobs with status finished are in the queue again, even jobs you manually deleted on the servers file system are back after a restart and blocking the queue with status "failed" wich forces you to restart the server again. It's simply not possible to rely on that setup at all.

So my hope is, that you can come up with something robust and relyable, so that i can just drop as many jobs as i want and it renders, without having me to check every 30 minutes if everything runs fine.

Would be interesting to hear your opinion on that ;)

Thank you and have a great day!


Hey there!

I think i discovered a bug ;)
If you look at the attached screenshots, you'll see a simple scene, where some trees (i used the "Tree Avenue 001" Preset from the cosmos browser) are scattered along a rectangular spline. As long as the checkbox "close spline" is ticked on, everything works as intended. As soon as the checkbox is ticked off, one clone appears out of nowhere right in world center (only in render, not visible in viewport).

Only solution for us was to move the proxies down below the "surface" of our scene. so the trees where still scattered correctly on the spline but the mysterious tree in the middle was below everything in stead of, in our case, growing out of a house ;)

But this then led to another strange behaviour: When i moved the proxys down, all corona camera tag overrides in the rendersettings got lost and the standard settings for exposure, shutter time, etc where used.

Tested on our renderfarm (windows pc, cinema 2023.2.2, Corona 10) as well as on my workstation (windows pc, cinema 2023.2.2, Corona 10).

Would be nice, if you give it a try.

Steps to reproduce:

- create a spline
- if parametric, convert spline
- scatter some objects (cr proxies in my case) on it
- render

Try this once with "close splne" on and once with off.

Have a nice week!


Edit: The clone seems to be always in world center, no matter where the spline is placed in the scene

Hey there,

I'm not sure if bug or feature ;) If this is the wrong forum, please move this thread.

Is it maybe possible to adopt for instance the bump value from the top layer of a corona material into the round edges shader's own bump channel if the shader is added later?
As an example: I have a noise in the bump channel with a value of maybe 75%. Later in the process i want to add the round edges shader to the bump channel.
Now the round edges shader is getting the 75% and noise which is moved to the aditional bump channel inside the round edges shader gets the default value of 10%.

Imho, the value for the round edges shader should always be at 100% and the value of the shader wich gets moved to the bump channel inside the round edges shader should keep its original value (75% in this example).

Thanks for your great work at all times!


[C4D] General Discussion / Corona VFB refresh rate :)
« on: 2023-06-01, 08:19:52 »
Good morning Coronians! :)

This time it's not a bug, just a little detail i recognized while rendering. I'm also not sure if this applies to every render, but in my case, when i render (at a pretty high resolution, 9000x6000px), the refresh rate of the vfb is roughly around one second. But when I have the vfb as active window and move the mouse, the refresh rate is almost instant. Any idea why this as it is? As mentioned above, thats not a bug (to me), nothing gamebreaking. I'm just curious :D

Have a nice day!


[C4D] Bug Reporting / Corona VFB - GUI scaling on 150%
« on: 2023-04-11, 13:29:44 »
Good Morning;

since i got a new monitor with 4K resolution, i wanted to scale up the text and gui sizes in the windows settings to 150% for better readability.
In the Corona VFB it seems to work with the font size but the rest of the gui appears to stay untouched (See attached images).

I somehow can work with this, but it would be nice to have the gui elements also scale to the right size for better readability ;)


Good Morning!

Since the ACES OT setting was implemented in CR9 we have a problem with our renderfarm. The Renderserver seems to render with ACES OT always on. Even when we uncheck it in the VFB, Camera Tag, etc.
We have one Computer, running cinema's team render Server and two computers running the teamrender clients. All of them are running under windows with the latest cinema/corona Versions.
I'll attach a comparison image and also the cinema project for your convenience (Maybe change the light material to another HDR file, sincethe one i used is too big for upload ;) ). Just render it locally and on a farm. ACES OT should be switched off.


[C4D] Resolved Bugs / Corona Plugin Crashes
« on: 2022-08-16, 15:36:12 »
Hey There!

I know the thread-title is not very clear, but i don't know what else to write there ;)
So I have a Scene which is crashing all the time when i hit render. Unfortunatly I can't send you the scene-file, but maybe you can take a look at the bug (attached) report to give me some clue what could probably be the cause for these crashes.

My System:

CPU: AMD Ryzen Threadripper 3960X 24-Core
RAM: 64GB @3200MHz
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTC 2060
OS: Windows 10
Corona version: 7 hotfix 2
Cinema version: R25.117 Cinema 4D

I hope you can give me a hint, since i'm running out of Ideas.


Work in Progress/Tests / Coffee
« on: 2022-05-25, 17:12:20 »
A little spretime project. just need something to fill the empty space back left :)


Since I experience this more and more while rendering on our renderfarm, here is a (hopefully small) request:

As right now, render region can only be disabled/removed in the corona VFB. Would it be possible to integrate a checkbox or something in the rendersettings itseslf, with wich one can simply disable render region (RR)?

The reason for my request is, that i don't see if RR is enabled or not, without opening the corona VFB and start rendering. Since i use our internal renderfarm with the maxon team render server, I set my rendersettings as usual and upload the c4d file to the server. When i used RR before for some local testrenderings and forgot to disable it again, the renderserver will take it into account.
This is pretty annoying, especially on very big renders because with the renderserver i don't see the result until the render has finished.

I hope my request makes any sense. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask ;)


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