The discussion involved the devs, support, and QA.
"The article mentions how important user feedback is, so here’s how you can become part of the process!
So where is the user here? There has not even been a daily containing those changes, it just has been released in a final hotfix version with no chance to discuss anything, not to mention testing.
- Saying "this feature is a broken mystery" will help literally nobody. You should instead explain what exactly is wrong and how we can improve it.
I'd say instead, quoting a single expression without context won't help.
If you read 1) and 2) it should be clear. VFB history is an interactive feature and it got crippled because of some situation that may occur if users brain is in idle state. I already mentioned, that disabling history autosave in slave mode of course is something that should have been there out of the box. But why those master and sequence restrictions? No one would render a complete animation having history autosave activated. If so, it is just a user error, nothing more. Corona does not check dozens of other user errors like that (worse ones that should be handled at Corona side included). But in this case it does, while obscuring the feature at the same time.
And exactly right now I use that feature in Corona 11: the client has chosen a few shots and I render those frames into history because there will be some changes. And I need the current state for later comparison. And yes, it's a frame sequence (with disabled output). And yes, I have some DR nodes active to speed things up. The use case is to use the feature, that's it.
The obvious solution for me would have been to check at render start if 1. VFB history is enabled and 2. if a sequence is going to render and if so, to issue a warning when starting to render. This should be enough to solve that issue (if it even is one) without restricting a feature that has been working perfectly until now.
Finally about "mystery": try to make a lists of DR render on/off, iterative render, interactive render, frame sequence, single render where you would see the consequences of using VFB history autosave. And try to create a support article about it. And compare the result with the (former) philosophy of Corona.
Good Luck