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Messages - rfletchr

Pages: [1] 2 3
all of corona's objects expose their properties to maxscript (as do regular render elements)

if you execute something like

Code: [Select]
ele = CEssential_Direct()
arrElementProperties = getPropNames ele

for propName in arrElementProperties do
propValue = getProperty ele propName
propClass = (classof propValue)
format "Property Name:% \n\tProperty Value:% \n\tProperty Class:%\n" propName propValue propClass

you can collect this data and serialize it
We have an XML serializer/deserializer I've been developing at work which we use in place of render presets.

First of all, you can also do this:
Code: [Select]
classof renderers.current == CoronaRenderer"classof" prints the long name but is comparing the same classes, so it's working.

plus, you can use
Code: [Select]
CoronaRenderer.getCoronaVersion()which returns a string like that:
"1.3 DailyBuild Oct  5 2015, build timestamp: Oct  5 2015 21:22:28"

Thanks DeadClown thats exactly what i needed.

I need to be able to check the class of the  current rendering engine in order to do "Sanity"/Pre render tests before Scenes are submitted to our render farm.

Usually i do something like this
Code: [Select]
cRenderer = classof  Renderers.Current
if(classof cRender == mental_ray_renderer) then
--do shit

for renderers like mental ray / scanline this returns a consistent result regardless of the version of the renderer

Code: [Select]

When i do this in corona:
Code: [Select]

so in order to check if this is infact corona i need to start doing string comparisons. Not the end of the world but its extra code and more room for errors.

Code: [Select]
sRenderer = (classof  Renderers.Current) as string
if(matchPattern sRenderer pattern:"*Corona*") then
 --Do shit

It would be alot cleaner if the RenderClass's name was simple "Corona_Renderer" and it had public property that exposed the current version.

Max's built in panorama exporter works great and it works on the google cardboard. All you need to do is render out 2 panoramas from 2 cameras on a rig of 2 cameras. i tried this out back in v0.7 and it worked then perfectly, i cant see why it wouldnt work now.

EDIT: My bad i now realise you want full stereo. Perhaps someone could so something similar to max's wraparound lens shader only with the pivot offset.

You dont need that tool at all, Corona has a modifier for the camera that lets you render panoramas really easily.

these are really stunning!

May i ask, are the floorboards accurately wide? for me they're really ruining the sense of scale.
im refering to

My Apologies Guys, my original message was very poorly explained. Hopefully this clears up the issue.
We need the glass to be visible the the beauty has had the Alpha premulted.

We're quite happy to live with thin-wall glass for this sort of stuff. Is enabling this mask fundamentally changing how corona calculates the alpha channel?

Sorry but it is hard for me to imagine what is going on by only reading the description. Can you post some images of what is happening, and what you think should be happening if it worked fine? It doesn't have to be this specific model, it can be something simple that illustrates the problem.
Not suprising i explained it terribly ;)

I've clarified the report. I hope im right reporting this as a bug, It doesnt seem a usefull feature if the materials contribution is lost when compositing

this would indeed be usefull. we have to setup alot of masks on certain sets. it'd be nice to see them popping in in realtime.

Were rendering some shots at the moment of an aircraft that has to be composited onto a backplate. The cockpit has a number of masks that we need for comp, so we disabled  the "visible to masks" option for the Glass Canopy's material. unfortunately not only does this remove the glass from the render elements but it also gives it zero alpha in the beauty.

This makes it pretty much impossible to composite a backplate behind the plane.

[Max] I need help! / Re: maxscript question
« on: 2015-08-20, 20:13:54 »
renderers.current.renderstamp_use = true

should do it

mouse over any option in this page to see the maxscript you need for that option

[Max] Resolved Bugs / Re: Corona Lights display performance
« on: 2015-08-19, 01:21:22 »
Why not just hit CTRL+L to toggle viewport lighting off? is there some usefull purpose to having all those lighting being calculated in D3D? or is it the viewport rendering of the light gizmos thats slow?

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Ambient Occlusion (AO Pass)
« on: 2015-08-18, 10:50:14 »
Hey man, My apologies, I totally missed the date and misread your old post. chalk it down to me being a fucking idiot.

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Ambient Occlusion (AO Pass)
« on: 2015-08-17, 20:56:02 »

About AO pass...  BRDF AO seems pointless and will be soon removed. Official way to create AO pass is to use Corona Texmap element and plug Corona AO map into it... as Maru already pointed out ;)

Aside from some lofty self righteous sense of whats "correct" why would Corona want to remove a functional useful tool? We use AO in about 60% of our shots, we'd be boned without it.

I've found that using the max "asset tracking" to make all texture paths absolute is the best way to fix missing textures when network rendering. This obviously hinges on the fact that you textures are stored on a network share.

redlad, I did not know you did Gumball!!! Congrats on that! I REALLY like that tv series, it's awesome, and my daughter loves it too!

If you need help for specific shots I may be able to help (, I'll write to the email anyways.


We did season 1. 99% of the 2D/3D animation was done by Boulder. We also Lit and rendered all the 3D for that season.
The talent folks over in studio soi are producing season 2.

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