Author Topic: Missing file msvcr120.dll - resolved  (Read 24672 times)

2013-12-18, 21:56:37


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I don't know if this is OK to post here? I had a problem and this is how it was resolved... also there's a bug in Windows 8+ openGL that is good to know.

If you are using Win 8+ and get such a message be sure to install included 'vcredist_x64.exe' as latest build (or any other?) from MS site won't work.

This was my 1st problem with Corona. I was also testing Mitsuba renderer and had it also with latest builds of 'vcredist' installed on Win8 x64.
Then I saw on the blog that there's a bug in Win8+ OpenGL. So I hope you haven't run up to it, cuz' it hadn't been resolved yet (more than 9 months).
I hope that this helps someone not to turn away from Corona Standalone.

You can read about it here:


Win8+ only
Corona Standalone works (w/ Blender Exporter)
Mitsuba x64 crashes

Have a lovely & fun days.
Uh, and thank you all for this nice tool.

2016-02-18, 10:16:19
Reply #1


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It's important problem, but i can't solve it in the same way. The best way is reinstalling C++ redistributable but sometimes even it didn't work. After this i just downloaded this file from the <censored> and add it to my system folder and core program folder.
« Last Edit: 2016-02-18, 14:02:26 by Ondra »

2016-02-18, 14:04:02
Reply #2


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It's important problem, but i can't solve it in the same way. The best way is reinstalling C++ redistributable but sometimes even it didn't work. After this i just downloaded this file from the <censored> and add it to my system folder and core program folder.

You registered and after 7 minutes responded to a 2 year old thread with a link to a site that could as well be spreading viruses? I have to ask... are you a spambot? Because if yes, then this is really sophisticated :D
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