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Messages - diaa

Pages: [1]
This is the problem of delay in changing between lists of materials..


Go to viewports configuration>display performance and decrease baked procedural maps resolution to something like 1024 px or lower, see if that helps.

Thanks, but that didn't help anything
But I have an observation
This problem is old and was slower than that in the previous version Corona Render 9
It has been improved in the new version of Corona Render 10
Things have become much better than before, but the issue of slowness is still noticeable, and I hope there is a solution to this problem

This is my first post here
I hope the video is useful in clarifying the problem..
This is the problem of delay in changing between lists of materials..
During the work project, the process becomes slower and slower..
I hope there is a solution to this problem, thank you ♥

Pages: [1]