Author Topic: How to run Beta (and older) versions  (Read 66938 times)

2019-03-18, 16:56:58


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tl;dr: Download and run the special Licensing Server (link below), if you have bought a commercial license and want to use the Beta versions
Special licensing server is no longer needed. Use licensing server from any newer version and it should license even beta versions just fine. (see text below for more info)

By popular request, we are releasing a way for the paying customers of the commercial version of Corona for C4D to fallback to the non-commercial versions of the plugin. The way this works is that you run a special Licensing Server and then you run the Cinema 4D with an older version of Corona of your choosing. If you have a valid subscription, your older Corona for C4D will then get a working license from our servers through the running Licensing Server.

In the future daily builds, this will work with the standard licensing server too, so this special Licensing Server is a temporary solution before we release a new daily build with this functionality inside. For now, you can also use this Licensing server instead of your standard Licensing Server. No need to use them both at the same time.

You can find the special Licensing server on our daily build Google drive folder, in the subfolder named "Beta licensing server", along with a readme with instructions on how to use it:
« Last Edit: 2019-10-17, 12:45:53 by houska »

2019-03-20, 17:04:25
Reply #1


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Hey Houska,

thanks to your team for this.

When I try to install the LicencingServer .dmg, I get an error message, saying that it is "not an activable data system". See attached image.

Alternatively, I followed the instructions under point 2 and created the .txt doument under: Library/Application Support/Corona.
When I start C4D, the older Corona (Core 1.7) can´t be activated. It shows "customer activation error.14"

I also don`t really understand point 4 in the instruction. What application bundle to run?

Quite complicated, in my oppinion...


2019-03-20, 17:58:57
Reply #2


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Correct Path and LicenseServerLogin - .txt-File  ???

2019-03-20, 18:15:40
Reply #3


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Hello Designerman77,

I would like to apologize, I accidentally uploaded dmg file in the new format which can't be opened on older systems. Please download dmg file again. It should be mountable now.

Best regards

2019-03-20, 18:25:02
Reply #4


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Hi Nikola!

Thanks for your super fast reply ! :)

Yes, on my older iMac i7, I´m runnung an older OSX.

I will give it a try and let you guys know if it worked... very much hoping...


2019-03-20, 19:38:29
Reply #5


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Correct Path and LicenseServerLogin - .txt-File  ???

No, actually the contents of the LicenseServerLogin.txt file should not be "email:password", but your email and password to the Corona customer zone. I changed this in the README text file. I admit that this might be a bit confusing.

2019-03-20, 20:48:07
Reply #6


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Hi Houska, hi Nikola,

thanks a lot to both of you and the Corona team!

With the LicenceServer that you, Nikola, uploaded now, everything works nicely.
My older Core 1.7-Beta got activated automatically. Didn´t even have to do it manually when C4D starts up. :)

I attached a screenshot with those two funcions, that your team MUST correct in Core 3 - as they were in Core 1.7

1. Same amount of denoising on ALL surfaces, including round edges & bump.
Otherwise, long render times are necessary & quick test renders stay super noisy in bump areas.

2. The old stacking behaviour when using displacement on poly-select! The material on the right MUST be dominant and displacement MUSN´T be overridden by the material on the left. Like this one can easily apply multiple displaced-materials to poly-selects. Saves a huuuge amount of time in the workflow.
Actually, it´s simply the native C4D-behaviour !

If you will redo these two, old - and perfect - functions in Core 3, plus the new features like UV-randomizer and the great new node editor, then Corona will be a truly phantastic software again.

Looking forward to this day!
Hopefully soon.  :)


« Last Edit: 2019-03-20, 20:54:17 by Designerman77 »

2019-03-26, 17:39:48
Reply #7


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Why doesn´t it work for me?

I installed (PC) Beta 1 (Corona 1,7)...when running the licensing server with my email and password and starting C4D it generates fresh files in C:\Users\main\AppData\Local\CoronaRenderer\
...for example a file with the request code and also a token with the activation code..But this code doesn´t work!

Tried to:
-read the activation-file (token file with the code)
-copy/ paste the code from the token -file into activation form
-creating new tex-file CoronaActivation.txt and pasting the activation code inside (I´ve seen in LicencingLog that it`s first searching for such a file...
Nothing! Every time: "Wrong activation code!"

LicencingLog (replaced keys with XXXXX)
Without CoronaActivation.txt:

2019-03-26 17:09:31 [BEGIN] initializing license for application c4d-stable. Our request key is: XXXXX
2019-03-26 17:09:31 No activation file present (tried to locate: C:\Users\main\AppData\Local\CoronaRenderer\CoronaActivation.txt).
2019-03-26 17:09:31 We will try to activate/refresh demo license.
2019-03-26 17:09:31 Activation failed.
2019-03-26 17:09:31 We will try to find a licensing server running on this subnet.
2019-03-26 17:09:33 Current license is:
                        No active license found.
                        Error: Invalid activation key
2019-03-26 17:09:33 [END] Activation process done.

With  CoronaActivation.txt (with code pasted from token):

2019-03-26 17:16:57 [BEGIN] initializing license for application c4d-stable. Our request key is: XXXXX
2019-03-26 17:16:57 Reading an activation file located at C:\Users\main\AppData\Local\CoronaRenderer\CoronaActivation.txt. It contains: XXXXX
2019-03-26 17:16:57 We will try to activate/refresh demo license.
2019-03-26 17:16:57 Activation failed.
2019-03-26 17:16:57 We will try to find a licensing server running on this subnet.
2019-03-26 17:17:00 Current license is:
                        No active license found.
                        Error: Invalid activation key
2019-03-26 17:17:00 [END] Activation process done.
vizoom | visual craftmanship | berlin - barcelona

2019-03-26, 17:47:37
Reply #8


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Hi Vizoom,

I'm sorry that it's not working for you. One thing that comes to my mind is that maybe you don't have the firewall setup correctly? Or there's another issue that is preventing from connecting to the Licensing server. Could you post a log from the licensing server here?

2019-03-26, 19:43:34
Reply #9


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Hi Houska,

I´ve postet already what was in the LicencingLog.txt....Isn´t it the log?
I think the connection works well, because after a request-code is generated I get new files in C:\Users\main\AppData\Local\CoronaRenderer\ and one of them is a "token" with an activation-code..but this one is not accepted(???)....

vizoom | visual craftmanship | berlin - barcelona

2019-03-26, 19:51:53
Reply #10


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I´m not sure if my workflow is right?

I start the licencing server, write in the two fields my email and password of my corona-account (There is a third field "log:"?)
Then I start C4D and a request code is generated.
A new generated txt-file (token for stable C4D or similar) with activation code appears in C:\Users\main\AppData\Local\CoronaRenderer\
I copy/paste this code or click "use activation-file" and browse to the txt-file.


Result "Wrong activation code" :(

vizoom | visual craftmanship | berlin - barcelona

2019-03-26, 19:52:32
Reply #11


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No, I mean the Licensing server log, which can be found in the Licensing server window (as seen on the attached picture). Note that when starting C4D with the older Corona version, the Licensing server has to be running so that the older version of Corona can activate using the server.
« Last Edit: 2019-03-26, 20:03:50 by houska »

2019-03-26, 19:55:13
Reply #12


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I´m not sure if my workflow is right?

I start the licencing server, write in the two fields my email and password of my corona-account (There is a third field "log:"?)
Then I start C4D and a request code is generated.

Yes, your workflow is correct. The steps that I quoted from your post are all that should be needed to activate the old version. No copying or editing of any .txt files should necessary. Of course, you must be connected to the Internet while doing all this, so that the Licensing server application can contact our activation servers.

2019-03-26, 20:05:11
Reply #13


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...thanks, but when starting C4D I always get a Corona-window with request-code and an empty field for the activation I went to the file or pasted it from the token-file ;)!

Attached my server-log.
vizoom | visual craftmanship | berlin - barcelona

2019-03-26, 20:12:21
Reply #14


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So apparently your server doesn't get contacted by the C4D. Do you first run the server and only then run C4D? Attached is an image of what it should look like.

When the C4D successfully contacts the Licensing server application, there should be no Corona-window with request-code. Corona should activate immediately.