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Messages - rampally

Pages: 1 2 [3] 4 5 ... 14
Gallery / Re: WEST GATE BUSINESS BAY - Animation
« on: 2017-06-28, 20:09:27 »
Another Great Work!

Gallery / Re: The Central Park @ Ahmedabad | Animation
« on: 2017-05-30, 07:56:16 »
wow! this is actually superb ....yet ,not a single comment. what was the render time per frame though?
yet ,not a single comment....
It might be because we are from India ???:)just kidding  any way very good work  impact 3D i want to work with you!
Jai Hind

Thanks Rampally

And you are welcome to work with us. For more Visit

Gallery / Re: The Central Park @ Ahmedabad | Animation
« on: 2017-05-28, 09:42:27 »
wow! this is actually superb ....yet ,not a single comment. what was the render time per frame though?
yet ,not a single comment....
It might be because we are from India ???:)just kidding  any way very good work  impact 3D i want to work with you!
Jai Hind

what about corona-tonemapping plugins for the comp-softwares then? :D
this is good and interesting!!!

Gallery / Re: First animation experiance with Corona RC1
« on: 2016-12-17, 09:11:36 »
Render Time Please

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona GPU
« on: 2016-03-02, 19:39:27 »
Ok Ondra thnaks........however what are you expecting  to make ray tracing  good with GPU??
I am not expecting anything from GPU, instead I focus on making the best use out of CPU ;)
hahahaha Cool.......:)

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona GPU
« on: 2016-03-02, 12:49:32 »
no, that one is for real time graphics, not for ray tracing
Ok Ondra thnaks........however what are you expecting  to make ray tracing  good with GPU??

[Max] General Discussion / Re: Corona GPU
« on: 2016-02-29, 18:34:53 »
We are observing GPU renderer development, but we are not developing GPU renderer. And we do not plan to do it unless some game-changer GPU architecture appears
Hi Ondra is Vulkan game changer GPU architecture  OR API???

I Think We are getting some good news with 1.4(Denoising).....I am  happy

Work in Progress/Tests / Re: Bathroom
« on: 2015-07-29, 12:48:17 »
one thing is high chromatic aberration!

Gallery / Re: 4 rooms
« on: 2015-07-23, 15:40:45 »
4 rooms  breezes

[Max] General Discussion / Denoiser filter for RenderMan 20
« on: 2015-07-18, 20:20:32 »
RenderMan's new denoising technology, originally developed at Disney, can dramatically reduce render times while delivering images of the highest quality. Now you can render faster with fewer samples, resulting in an initially noisier image which is then transparently filtered by the Denoiser, producing a high-quality final image
here are some help full links
can we implement this for corona ????
expect in near future ???

News / Re: 5 new Corona tutorials
« on: 2015-07-02, 15:34:47 »
for me i want a tutorial on ggx

Gallery / Re: Poison Frog
« on: 2015-06-24, 10:24:13 »
Great Job

Gallery / Re: Cloudy day private residence
« on: 2015-06-10, 05:39:44 »
Good Photo

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