Ok, after considering the options we have decided to start Corona for Cinema 4D.
Corona it's young and powerfull.
he has need a young and powerfull promising software like modo.
- modo has merged with the foundry that it's a huge place for promote corona.
- modo has growing very fast and enter the vfx world with the foundry merge
- the modo community is huge and ready for powerfull unbiased render.
- support for developers in the forum are welcome
- the modo user are all over the world not only in russia.
- modo is cheap
- you can do DR on unlimited render node for free
- look at the modo gallery the huge amount of good render. but lack in real photorealism.
- all modo product, kit, plugin (when they are usefull) sell well.
- i'm not against c4d users so why not make for both c4d user and modo user
- sotimage in production has already arnorld in place.
- vray for most poeple is the saint graal (why ?? i don't no) for archviz rendering. it integrated in all other app like c4d softimage maya max
- modo learning and use is fast.
- i could find many other arguments
Free/very cheap licence and SDK for university students : YES Wide user base in need of a realistic renderer : YES General good health of the package (is fast, capable of production work, active development, generally bug-free, ...) : YES Ease-of-use of the application for end users : YES Reasonable C++ API - I DONT KNOW BUT I THINK YES
Plenty of documentation/example implementations of plugins I DONT KNOW
Official support for developers (e.g. discussion forums) : YES
« Last Edit: 2013-04-29, 12:52:05 by kahein »

Asus Z10PE-D16 WS / Dual Xeon E5-2690 v4 @ 2.60GHz / RAM 64 Go - GTX 970
Win 10 / Max 2017 / Corona 1.4