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Messages - lollolo

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 16
[C4D] Bug Reporting / Corona Proxy gets materials wrong
« on: 2024-10-29, 20:57:50 »
I'm having an issue with Proxy.

- Create a cube
- make several poly selections
- apply a material to every selection
- create a Proxy - until now everything is working
- create another material and apply it to one of the selections you created before (so a selection is used twice)
- create a proxy - materials are not correctly applied.

In my example here, only one material channel was created, but there should be 6.

Win 10
C4D R20 + 12 hotfix 2

Can you reproduce it? Thanks for checking.

I'm not aware that you should change it to linear, but I'm open to learn, if I'm wrong...

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: calculate pass
« on: 2024-10-27, 18:41:33 »
Have you seen the “Render only masks (disable shading)” in the render settings?

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: virtue pass
« on: 2024-10-25, 23:50:33 »
How did you save it and which software are you using for post?
Could be wrong gamma displayed in your post edit software.

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Re: Issues in and around VFB and IR
« on: 2024-08-28, 08:41:34 »
Hi John, my fault, I didn't check for a hotfix, my head was too much into work. Most issues are fixed, wonderful!

And thanks for your suggestion, very helpful!

So the only issue remaining is that IR can't be stopped using the stop button. Otherwise, this can be moved to resolved. Thanks!

[C4D] Bug Reporting / Issues in and around VFB and IR
« on: 2024-08-27, 23:56:26 »
UPDATE: I wasn't aware that there is a hotfix already. The majority of the issues appear to have been resolved.

I'm wondering a bit if I'm the only one struggling with the new VFB and some issues around...?
Also, I'm not sure, which issues are already reported or if they happen only on my end.

— Memory leak when using IR. It happened a few times in the last days that after I started IR in an almost empty scene, the system run out of memory (128 GB) and I had to force close C4D.
I wasn't able to find a pattern what caused this issue, a simple restart of C4D resolved it (until it came back the next day) Didn't happen in IR with new release yet. But it happened today during final rendering.

— Next issue is that IR is constantly refreshing and parsing the scene, sometimes even if I just watch the screen and do nothing. But It happens every time when I move the viewport (not the active camera), hit a key or change bloom and glare. Very hard to work with...It seems to have been fixed successfully.

— Another issue is that final denoising gets deactivated. This issue I'm able to reproduce. If I open a new scene, as soon as I start IR, denoising for the final rendering gets deactivated, and I have to activate it again in the render settings. This usually happens only when I start IR for the first time, after that it works as expected. (Except if I'm using takes) Fixed

— Camera tag is not always updated when I change something in VFB. Tone mapping works as expected, but I had some problems with bloom and glare. I wasn't able to reproduce it, typically it works as expected. It seems to be fixed.

— IR can't be stopped using the stop button if the max number of passes are reached, because the button is greyed out

— IR doesn't stop when VFB is closed (I'm not sure if you consider this to be a bug or feature, but I liked the behavior from earlier versions much better when IR stopped when VFB was closed.) Fixed, thanks!

And finally a question, which software for Win 10 are you using for screen recording and gif export to share it easier here on the website?
Especially when I want to record only a part of the screen, the software I'm using allows me to record only the whole screen.


Corona 12 final release
C4D R20
Win 10

Did you check Corona Tonemap Control Shader? If I understand you right, this is what you are looking for.
But be aware, it has some limitations.
And, like burnin said, use Ray Switcher Material for your backplate.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Rotate bitmap texture
« on: 2024-07-08, 11:47:24 »
You can also use a layer shader. Not ideal, but better than nothing.
There is also a free plugin which allows you to use several UV-Tags. (at least for older versions of C4D)

But it would be much better, if Corona would make a transform node for such tasks.

@romullus, interesting and nice to see that Corona got faster (unfortunately not for all it seems)

@habber, I'm using Win+C4D, most likely that's why I didn't notice a speed slowdown.

Are you all on macOS? I haven't compared render times here on Win, but it doesn't feel slower than before.
Since there is no max version for Mac, this issue seems to be a Corona for C4D (And maybe a Mac thing...)

[C4D] I need help! / Re: Displacement map rendered jagged
« on: 2024-05-17, 14:36:07 »
Have you tried to lower the pixels of the displacement to 1 in the render settings?
Also, have you checked the mesh, is it clean and with uniform polygons?

I'm using Kuula, but as far as I know they support only Meta glasses. I don't use VR until there are more options on the market, I don't like the privacy policy they have.
Other than that, I never had issues with Kuula.

But it would be interesting to hear what others are doing and which software they are using.

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: C4D 2024.4 Particles
« on: 2024-04-15, 13:59:29 »
Particles are still a missing feature in Corona for C4D, unfortunately.

Any news from the developers about this?

[C4D] Feature Requests / Re: Node Editor Changes
« on: 2024-02-28, 21:11:07 »

[C4D] General Discussion / Re: Cosmos and Vray
« on: 2024-02-19, 10:47:22 »
Happened here too, but I don't remember which materials.

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