Author Topic: 3d max got frosen and crashes when using DR rendering  (Read 1646 times)

2019-09-06, 15:57:57


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Hello, guys! I think I got a Corona bug here, but I have decided to start a new topic here first. I got a repetitive crash of 3d max when rendering using DR. I got 1 main and 4 slaves machines. The project is relatively simple- studio render of the door changing only the material id of 2 elements. The crash is always happening when I try to render the darkest version. Firstly it starts increasing render time then got frozen then " the error is occurred and the application will now close. Do you want to attempt to save a copy of the current scene?Yes.No." and that's it. Debug retain EXR is ticked off. I am attaching the logfile might help to detect whats wrong.
"We get up in the morning. We do our best. Nothing else matters! "

2019-09-13, 11:26:47
Reply #1


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Could you please provide me with some more details?

Which version of Corona are you using specifically, what do you mean by the darkest version and lastly would you be able to provide your scene?

Instructions on how to do this are in my signiture.


Please read this before reporting bugs: How to report issues to us!
Send me your scene!