Comfort zone! Ahahaha ^__^ Are you serious? I would like you should able to watch inside they office now during the release of Corona 1.7 =)
Try to think: nobody knew about this acquisition. Only the CoronaTeam, that's all. And, they started one years ago.
Have you seen what they did in the last year? Corona v1.5, Corona v1.6 and, now, Corona v1.7
Have you seen how many new tools they added from the 1.6 to v1.7?
Look at road map. Every new release, the list of new tools is 10-20% longer ;-)
There is already the v1.8 road-map...
Honestly, I was very skeptical and shocked the first day I have read this news (like almost 90%of Corona users).
But, now, me feelings are EXACLTY the opposite =)
valwizard, if you want to stop to use Corona, it's your choose.
But, please, come back here in one or two years and, believe me, you will regret your decision.
Corona, Corona team and Corona community are, now, full of energy and hope, more than before!