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Messages - VASLAVO

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Creating or selecting a corona camera crashes 3dsmax 2024 with daily march 5

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Daily 11 rc3 two issues so far
« on: 2023-12-20, 18:44:23 »
Requester VASLAVO KORYTKOWSKI Created Today at 18:44 Last activity Today at 18:44
Id #189754

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Daily 11 rc3 two issues so far
« on: 2023-12-20, 13:06:46 »
yes but i think im not explining very well, in coton a10 you can set to view a map inside a ulti ub objet in the viewport without issues, at coron a11 you cant (normal map for example) maybe we can set a remote session to show you whats wrong?

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Daily 11 rc3 two issues so far
« on: 2023-12-14, 18:03:42 »
Hi, sorry but no, here is the file and the screenshot with the issue, as you can see in the pinture and in the file, the material and object i called A has the corona color on the difuse and can show the normal map in the viewport, the second material and object i called B has no corona color on  the difuse and its part of a multi sub object and cant show the normal map on the viewport, the third material called C has the multi sub object material applied with the sub material with no corona color on the difuse and cant show the normal map on viewport

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Daily 11 rc3 two issues so far
« on: 2023-12-13, 17:39:24 »
here for example

my videos show that when you create this types of materials (complex) you cant see the bitmap in the viewport

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Daily 11 rc3 two issues so far
« on: 2023-12-13, 17:38:16 »
Hi Maru, you cant see the map in the viewport when you create a multi sub object material or a corona layer material, i swa some other post from people with the same issues.

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Daily 11 rc3 two issues so far
« on: 2023-11-28, 14:19:15 »
of course, here is the scene, the texture is the corona material stucco white, no modifications just included on a multi sub oject material

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Daily 11 rc3 two issues so far
« on: 2023-11-28, 12:40:36 »
Update: after reinstalling corona rc3 the black color picker only occurs with 175% or bigger scaling, 150% and 100% are ok now, the maps in viewport stills persist.

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Daily 11 rc3 two issues so far
« on: 2023-11-28, 12:12:18 »
display issue: not 100% on scale, its 200% recomended) on both screens, so same scaling and resolution on both. Ive changed the scale on both screens to 100% and still black.

for the viewport: this didnt happend in V10 or previous V11 Rc1, the error occurs more frequently with corona layer or multisubobject, for exaple if you create a material that can be view on the viewport and then i try to display another map it wont work, also if i turn of the display on viewport option on the main material it wont come back if i tun it on, here is a video.

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Daily 11 rc3 two issues so far
« on: 2023-11-27, 16:35:19 »
Yes, here are the two videos showing what i see, the black screen error is happening in all files, the viewport error in some files, so far this hapens in 3 files and one that doesnt, none of them similar in any case to the other one.

[Max] Bug Reporting / Daily 11 rc3 two issues so far
« on: 2023-11-27, 13:50:59 »
Good morning, i found 2 issues so far on corona 11 rc3, first you can stiil pick a color when using two screens, second screen picks black always, second issue is that i cant show corona bitmaps on viewport, it just doenst show at all, no button or right click and show map on viewport

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Corona Converter Warning
« on: 2023-11-02, 11:40:55 »
Hi Maru, is i post on the otherdiscussion, this thing happens with long or short characters on path and file names, also ive found a consistent error when try to convert material with maps that hace space as the first name character, i try to increase the initial heap allocation size and no luck with it.

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Color picker black using2 screens
« on: 2023-10-31, 09:12:47 »
Yes, also black, it only works on the primary display

[Max] Bug Reporting / Re: Color picker black using2 screens
« on: 2023-10-30, 11:38:13 »
Yes, same resolution and same scale, ive tried several combinations, always same black result.

[Max] Bug Reporting / Color picker black using2 screens
« on: 2023-10-27, 13:24:18 »
Color picker gets black when i tryto pick color on second screen, this happened before and the solution was to set tw screens at same resolution, now it doesnt fix it, corona last version hot fix 2 and daily, 3dsmax 2024, windows 11

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