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Attachments - Ondra

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 11
Filename Downloads Message Posted
cups.jpg 862 Actually doing a 3D for fun after 9 years :D 2016-09-01, 13:31:15 1055 Alpha build v2 2012-05-24, 20:39:48 31618 Alpha v6 released 2014-03-17, 20:22:30
Corona Alpha 3063 Alpha3 released! 2012-10-06, 23:17:50
Corona Alpha v3 1776 Alpha3 released! 2012-10-06, 23:17:50
final.jpg 5050 Corona 1.3 Benchmark 2016-03-08, 10:57:58
Corona 4826 Corona Alpha v4 released! 2013-03-08, 23:17:53
Corona_A5.rar 21778 Corona Alpha v5 released! 2013-06-13, 10:49:28
benchmark.PNG 14619 Corona Alpha4 Benchmark scene 2013-03-17, 21:33:06
curves histogram.jpg 1628 Daily Builds 1.6 2016-10-10, 15:29:35
final.jpg 1553 Exams are coming remake 2012-04-06, 23:39:42
First point lights.jpg 1894 First renders in Corona (ever) 2018-05-11, 16:40:24
First attempt at shading.jpg 2008 First renders in Corona (ever) 2018-05-11, 16:40:24
first scene with multiple objects.jpg 2082 First renders in Corona (ever) 2018-05-11, 16:40:24
first scene with glass.jpg 1990 First renders in Corona (ever) 2018-05-11, 16:40:24
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