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Messages - racoonart

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 97
I assume that this is about the VrayEdgesTex? The problem with specific map types being used in specific slots is that I can't track them. At least not directly. The script converts map by map, disconnected from the shader, it has no idea where it is being used. So if I convert a VrayEdgesTex it doesn't know if is being used in a Diffuse or a bump slot. I would have to skip it and do it at the end, looping through all the Material's bump slots and check if a VrayEdgesTex is present - if it is I still can't simply convert it, I have to check if it actually is instanced in any other slot on any other material (which is possible but tricky to get right)... and this gets more complicated if a VrayEdgesTex is used somewhere deeper in the shader tree (which is quite often the case to mix it with other bump maps).
Long story short: this is not quite as easy as it sounds ;) Or to put it more bluntly: it's a bit of a pain in the ass.

I don't know the script but I would assume it filters the materials per class, so it should work even with layered or multimats. I'm not intending to add this to the converter but even if this script does not do exactly what you want, it's easy to write a one-liner maxscript to do what you need.

What exactly would you like this script to do?

Yes, we had discussions about that approximately 6 years ago already ;) The thing is that I cannot evaluate the shader tree by script nor can I look at all the pixels at all the textures to check if they are too bright.
I could look at the diffuse color only but that would be completely useless in my opinion, especially when there is more going on than just diffuse or blending with other materials etc. Corona has a Render element for exactly that reason which shows problematic albedos.

The CoronaColorCorrect map is very different to the original one. I would only be able to convert it if very few selected parameters were used in the ColorCorrection map - and even then I'm not sure if they work in the same color space (would have to check that). So the potential use for this is very limited. Basically all of my color corrections wouldn't pass.

And since this has moved to the previous page:
I'm having a look at fstorm right now to determine the best approach for conversions... however I'm not really sure how useful all of this is. My personal "goal" of the converter is that each render engine conversion should yield a usable result - a one click solution with as few necessary adjustments from the user as possible.
What I see so far is that fstorm materials are rather "spartan", which is fine, because that means it's easy to translate. The maps, however, are pretty much all custom and either different or complete remakes of the max ones (like noise, output, falloff, gradient etc) with different settings which makes it basically impossible to get proper conversion results.
So, if there are any Fstorm users here I would be happy to hear opinions about that and what you think would be a useful conversion for you.

I'm having a look at fstorm right now to determine the best approach for conversions... however I'm not really sure how useful all of this is. My personal "goal" of the converter is that each render engine conversion should yield a usable result - a one click solution with as few necessary adjustments from the user as possible.
What I see so far is that fstorm materials are rather "spartan", which is fine, because that means it's easy to translate. The maps, however, are pretty much all custom and either different or complete remakes of the max ones (like noise, output, falloff, gradient etc) with different settings which makes it basically impossible to get proper conversion results.
So, if there are any Fstorm users here I would be happy to hear opinions about that and what you think would be a useful conversion for you.

Yes, Fstorm conversions are planned, I just can't say when I get to it.

No, I haven't been made aware of this problem before (and it's always better to mention it twice anyways).
I assumed that most of these BumpMtls are used in conjunction with layered materials and other compound-style setups so I didn't really expect that. Adding the override bumps to the Basematerials may work in the simple cases but it will be the exception I guess. The bumpMaterial override doesn't make much sense to me if the baseMaterial is a VrayMtl anyways, and due to the way the converter works I can't cover all sorts of cases, just very explicit ones. I will make a note to add a checkbox for converting BumpMtls in the future, so you can just deactivate it.

I've attached the 1.40 version that does not have this BumpMtl conversion yet.

Corona 2 does render VrayMtl natively, I'm not sure how many other materials from Vray but not all of them. The material converter itself is completely separate to that development so you can convert your scene from Vray to Corona with it but you need to have Vray installed for it (the demo is sufficient).

I'm pretty sure that he's not very keen on providing an installer for someone who's making software to turn fstorm scenes into scenes for competing renderers. Since I don't lie about my intentions I will spare his and my time and wait for an official public installer.

Any plans to include fstorm conversions?
Yes, when there is a public demo installer I can download and use for the conversions (or someone pays for a license :D )

You can use these lines of script to set all CoronaMtls Reflection Color to white and reflection multiplier to 1.0
Code: [Select]
crnMtls = getclassinstances CoronaMtl
for i in crnMtls do (
i.levelReflect = 1
i.colorReflect = color 255 255 255

I will not include that in the script because it is in my opinion too specific for your case. It will also make all your metals chrome so that's not quite what I would call useful ;) .

I just figured out, long time proxy converter was not work for me because of paths. Where it needs -  in any bought scene for example evermotion scene will have relative paths for all assets. Maybe you may note this issue for people who don't know that. Thanks
Good point, will make a note in the tool somewhere :)

got this error during conversion. pls check. thanks.
Can you please provide a scene file for debugging? These errors are so random and completely unresolvable without the offending material (due to the nature of autodesk materials).

Side note: what actually does make a surprising difference is setting the camera position to chest height, not where your eyes would be. This has proven to somehow preserve the "perceived" scale a lot better.

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