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Messages - viscorbel

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Wow, that was fast!
Many thanks, works great :)

Would it be possible to add an option that removes any VrayBumpMtl nodes and replaces them with whatever is inside the base mtl slot?
Right now it converts the base material to Corona mat and leaves it inside the VrayBumpMtl. For someone like me who uses this Vray feature often, this creates a lot of glowing red 'unsupported' objects in the renders after a conversion. So there's a need to manually go over all the relevant materials and fix this.

Some small objects sometimes get away and are only found out in the full res render which results in some unpleasant language.

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: CoronaBumpMtl
« on: 2018-01-30, 12:19:51 »
Do you mean to override the bump set up in the layers? This would instead combine or add the bump instead of replacing it.
I can see uses for both modes.

There's a request for an additional Bump Override slot for the Layer Mtl which would do that instead of using the bump map of each layer. Not sure if it's on Ondra's radar, but I know I've requested it in the past.

[Max] Feature Requests / CoronaBumpMtl
« on: 2018-01-30, 11:47:06 »
Since you guys joined forces with Chaos, I guess it should not be too difficult to just 'borrow' the code for vraybumpmtl?

I find it enormously useful when creating any layered material or just adding some additional bump to an already finished material (think large scale noise or round edges, etc).

On a side note, if this is not going to happen, can you update the scene converter script to automatically discard the bumpmtl and just use the real mat that's 'nested' into it when converting vray scenes? My files are literally full of these vraybumpmtls and I have to manually fish out the converted materials and discard the vraybumpmtls - otherwise the renders are full of red 'unsupported' objects.

If there's one company I always admired in this world of CG, it's Chaosgroup. They've always been stand up guys focused on delivering a great product and Vlado has my utmost respect as a developer and human being.
So for me, this is great news!

It's ridiculous to think that suddenly Corona will acquire all the 'problems' from Vray. It's much older, much more widely used and caters to a much larger audience. Of course it's settings have bloated over the years (largely by requests of users) and it's slower to update as it needs to be stable and backwards compatible all the time. Corona is a young engine in a narrow niche and now it has access to resources to grow into something great. I bet there's one or two things that Chaos's guys wish they've done differently over the years and that experience imho is worth a lot.

I'm on the fence as well.
I love procedural stuff and the node based workflow. It seems like the potential is huge... but nothing I've seen from substance has been convincingly photorealistic, it always looks 'gamey' or 'stylized'
There is not a single example on their official site that I would love to put in my scenes. Even after searching for examples all over I can't find anything realistic except the occasional brick wall.

[Max] Feature Requests / Re: Cloth/Fabric Shader
« on: 2017-05-31, 21:56:36 »
Interesting, looks like the substance approach might work, even though it's not an easy one.
I think that the most important piece here is a high resolution normal map that accurately replicates the woven structure combined with appropriate reflectivity and glossiness.
On the other hand it looks like a hours and hours of work for each new fabric sample client throws at you and purchasing yet another piece of software. It would still be very much a 'specialist' approach instead of something easy to use for the average artist.

[Max] Feature Requests / Cloth/Fabric Shader
« on: 2017-05-31, 20:20:53 »
Cloth/Fabric materials are imho most problematic of all, and often are the weakest point in many renders.
The regular ggx/blinn/whatever brdf is not really suitable, it always comes down to some fallof cheat or weird-ass anisotropy to sort-of make it look correct'ish, but comparing to actual scanned materials the result is not at all realistic

I saw this BTF + BRDF approach mentioned on Vray forums and thought to mention it here as well, as Corona seems open to ideas.
Here's an oldish paper
and there is also a cloth shader plugin for vray/maya called
Anyway, I'm not a tech guy and have no idea if there's anything of worth in the links, but damn, I wish for a nice cloth material all the time. I know you guys make things happen :)

Is there any interest in this direction at all? I think a cloth shader would be amazing help for interiors which seem to be bread and butter for most Corona users.

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