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Messages - sohara20

Pages: [1]
[Max] Feature Requests / Geometry cache
« on: 2017-04-07, 21:59:59 »
In ( very)large scenes, editing materials can be slow due to the fact that corona reloads everything(i believe) before displaying the new result. I release using proxies and enabling "keep in ram" greatly improves this but I'm wondering if there is an option to lock the geometry cache in Interactive rendering and only allow shader/light changes to update. I realize this may not be possible but after using octane render I found its ability to not reload geo when making light and material changes really fast and interactive.

Roof Studio

[Max] General Discussion / Geometry Reloading in IR
« on: 2016-09-28, 19:19:56 »
I've noticed in very large scenes(30 million unique polys, no displacement) there is constant reloading of geometry cache, can someone explain to me when the cache is designed to be reloaded? Is it supposed to reload on material/texture or light parameter change? If there was a way to lock geocache i think this could add more interactivity. Perhaps im missing something?
Im using max 2016, corona 1.4 hot fix 1

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