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Corona Renderer for ARCHICAD Alpha 5 daily build - Changelog


Changes in Corona Renderer for ArchiCAD Alpha 5 (Daily Build 2020-03-23) (

* Added

* ARCHICAD 23 support
* Reset plugin window UI for a newly created project
* Added new denoising modes - Intel CPU and Nvidia GPU ( during interactive rendering )
* Added UVW randomizer texture
* Added resume rendering functionality. Both Resume last and Resume from file are working as expected
* Added Clear VFB between renders switch
* Added rotation and color temperature options into Corona light
* Changed

* Geometgry parsing
* Updated denoising tooltips
* Fixed

* Sun in Light Select render element is now working
* Fixed refreshing of the Corona plugin window UI with saved properties of the current project
* Fixed material issues when material properties changes were not propagated to the scene during the Interactive rendering session. This will fix also HDRI sky texture Z rotation, etc..
* Fixed not fully working denoising
* Fixed denoising functionality in VFB window
* Fixed FOV change in two-points perspective renders
* Fixed Enable/Disable functionality for render regions
* Fixed Enable/Disable of rendering related buttons on the plugin panels
* Fixed installer will now properly install Corona Image Editor
* Minor UI tweaks
* Core

* Updated to the core version 5


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