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Messages - KareemElhennawy

Pages: [1]
Thank you so much for your help, I actually activated SSS and it works a alot but still that glossy wety shape didn't went well using corona.
You said something about "Physical MTL" I want to know more about it, because I looked it and all the tutorials I found was applied on AutoDesk
Also I looked for "Coat material" and I didn't find tutorials either related to Cinema 4d it's only related to AutoDesk moreover I found that it's a new feature in Corona 7 knowing that I'm using version 6

Hi everyone,

I've tried to reach the same result that is in the attachment, but as you can see on the image, the result was so liquified and it's like a cover of liquid is above the main body of the character and it has this feeling that there is a sticky substance on the body.

So if you can help me to reach the same result knowing that the instructor in this video has done that with only one material. No duplicate for the body object! no using maps of anything related to the selection only using the material.

So.. Thanks in advance.

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